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Book: 3531 by John Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Black
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then commented.
                  “We are from sector seven, but we are not part of the alliance, in fact we fled because of them.” Donovan explained.
                  “This is Donovan, I'm Rachel,” she spoke hoping to make some new friends.
                  The two men again came closer, this time stopping a few feet from the couple. “I'm Ashwin, this is Bali,” replied the older man. “Why do you flee from your own land?”
                  “The alliance is very evil, and the countryside is filled with broken gangs still set on destroying anyone not alined for their own personal causes,” said Rachel.
                  “You must have strong medicine to cross such a treacherous desert,” said Bali.
                  “I don't know if we have strong medicine, we just want to live somewhere in peace and harmony.” Donovan hoped to project peaceful intentions.
                  Ashwin, gave a discipline smile, and gesturing with his hand, “the water flows free for all to drink.”
                  “And food?” Donovan asked.
                  “We hunt only food that is needed, like the land, the animals need peace to replace numbers, and heal.”
                  “Are there any dangers we should know about?” Rachel questioned. She began relaxing, for the two men were gentle and quite friendly. She could sense they were powerful warriors, their faces showed pride and no fear.
                  “There are some raiders and savages, but they are to our south and east.” Ashwin, showed his eagerness to maybe learn from the couple, of any news they might possess
                  Rachel then pulled out her container of berries, “please will you join us, for breakfast?”
                  “We thank you,” said Ashwin. The two men sat facing the couple. Everyone took a meager amount of berries.
                  Rachel gestured for them to take more.
                  Ashwin declined, “we will guide you to our small village, where some of us, might barter with any goods you might desire to trade.”
                  Donovan nodded with gratitude, “we do not have much, and one of our main items is broken.”
                  “We have several specialist who might can repair your items. We do have a few possessions of advanced technologies, but for the most part we rely on what we grow, hunt and make with our hands.” Ashwin explained proudly.
                  The two warriors then walked to the creek and took turns getting a drink of cool water. Rachel and Donovan quenched their thirst has well, then gathered their things
                  The four made their way slowly along a small path. The trip took about a hour, when they came upon a horseshoe shape indention in the rocks, making for a good strong defensive position.
                  Ashwin stopped and turned, facing the couple. “I must warn you, you will be checked upon arriving at the entrance of our village.”
                  “Checked for what?” Rachel questioned.
                  Ashwin, noticed the concerned expression growing on the faces of their new found friends. “To make sure you're true blood.”
                  Rachel and Donovan looked at each other, “what happens if someone isn't a true blood?”
                  “They are not allowed to stay, that should not be a problem, with you two, correct?”
                  “I'm not a true blood,” Donovan admitted.
                  “But your not hostile,” Ashwin replied quickly.
                  Donovan sat on a rock. “Listen I'm not from this time period. My parents had placed me in a pod that sustained me for over eight hundred years. They were advanced doctors taken and

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