The Christmas Cradle

The Christmas Cradle by Charlotte Hubbard

Book: The Christmas Cradle by Charlotte Hubbard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Hubbard
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Hannah grabbed Lena’s hand and stood up. “We’ll start at the far end of the room, and by the time you leave, you’ll have a passel of new friends.”
    Lena’s heart pounded. She stood up as gracefully as her baby bulk allowed and followed Hannah to the crowded worktable. “I’ve met Millie,” she said as Nora’s redheaded daughter smiled at her, “and this little pixie is Rhoda’s Taylor.”
    â€œLena, hi!” the girl exclaimed. “Mary’s showing me how to hand stitch, and it’s fun!”
    â€œThat would be Mary Schrock,” Hannah clarified as the gray-haired woman next to Taylor smiled at them. “She and Eva and Priscilla run the quilting shop next to Miriam’s café, and they provided the fabric for the diapers and gowns.”
    â€œOh, what a gift you’ve given me,” Lena blurted out as she reached for the three women’s hands. “I have no idea how I’ll repay all these favors.”
    â€œLove your baby,” Mary replied as the two women beside her nodded their agreement. “It’s the gift that keeps on giving, the love we get from our mamms .”
    Lena blinked, determined not to cry—or to wonder if her own mother’s love had lessened because of her unwed pregnancy. When Hannah led her further along the table, Lena noticed that the pile of diapers had gotten noticeably higher, and then she realized that the dark-haired young woman Miriam had identified as Hiram’s daughter was pregnant, as well.
    â€œAnnie Mae Wagler and Nellie live next door,” Hannah was saying. “We’re all excited because Annie Mae’s expecting, too.”
    â€œIt’s nice to see so many gals my own age,” Lena remarked as Annie Mae gripped her hand. “Come time to have a frolic for your baby, I’ll be stitching up diapers for you! ”
    The young woman’s face bloomed with a smile as she adjusted her rimless glasses. “I’ll appreciate that because today Nurse Andy told me I’m going to have twins!”
    â€œOh, my! You’ll need twice as much of everything,” Hannah gushed as she hugged Annie Mae’s shoulders.
    â€œTwice the patience and stamina, especially,” Nellie remarked. “If Annie Mae’s twins are anything like our little brothers, Josh and Joey, it’ll be a full-time job just keeping the roof on the house.”
    â€œLet’s hope your babies are girls rather than boys,” a young woman at the end of the table teased.
    â€œThat’s Katie Zook,” Hannah said as she continued her introductions. “Her family runs the market—and that gal talking to Miriam is Katie’s mamm , Lydia. Beside Lydia is Nora’s mamm , Wilma Glick, who lives in the little house just south of Miriam and Ben. Do you see anybody else you’ve not met? A few gals couldn’t come tonight, but you’ll meet them at Nora and Luke’s wedding.”
    Lena sighed. “I’ll try to recall everybody’s name, but it seems that as the baby expands my memory contracts.”
    As everyone laughed with her, Lena felt better than she had since she’d left Bloomfield. She sensed that the women in this room would value her friendship and give her the advice she needed to raise her baby. By the time she’d eaten a piece of wonderfully moist apple cake and sipped a cup of warm cider, the diaper makers were clearing the scraps from their worktable. As Lydia Zook and Wilma Glick folded the little gowns and onesies, Nora was setting two large wrapped packages on the long table.
    â€œTime for you guests of honor to open your gifts now,” Nora announced.
    Lena’s mouth dropped. “But you’ve already made so many—”
    â€œNow what’d ya go and do that for?” Miriam protested as she gaped at the packages. “It’s not like this is my first baby.”
    â€œ Jah , but how many

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