Zombie World

Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Page B

Book: Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald DuBois
Tags: Zombies
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    The day has come for Sabrina and TC to get married as well as Paul and Pam. They
were in the school getting ready. I was going to walk my daughter down the aisle and
then I was going to be Paul’s best man. My day was going to be a full day of
happiness. I walked into the room that Paul and TC were getting dressed in to see how
they were doing. Paul was drinking a cup of coffee and I could see his hand shake. I
knew he was very nerves, just as I was when I got married to Mia 25 years ago. Tc was
also nerves nether one of them could tie there tie.
    I went over to the room were my little girl was getting ready. When I walked in to the
room she stood there. I could not believe how beautiful she was. She reminded of her
mother on the day we got married. I told her I wish I could have gotten you a wedding
dress. Dad you have done so much for me and I understand that you wish you could
do more but how the world is now your hands are tied. We can redo it someday when
the world is right once again. I was so glad that she found someone in this messed up
world that made her happy. I told everyone I seen that today is going to be a day I will
never forget. I was hoping that today nothing bad was going to happen, but I have this
bad feeling that something is going to happen and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
We would like to have everyone in our little home town here come to the wedding, but
we need some people out there to keep guard.
    Pam came walking out of the changing room that she was in, she sat down in a
chair in front of a mirror. She looked into the mirror, Mom and Dad I wish you both
were here, but I know you’re in a better place than this messed up world. I have no
idea if you are alive Don but I wish you were here also you are my brother and I miss
you more every day.
I walked over to her and asked her if she was ok and is there anything I could do for
She looked up to me and said it would please me if when you walk your daughter
down the aisle if I could walk with you both.
Sabrina spoke up and said yes you can walk down the aisle with us. My Dad would be
honored to walk you down the aisle.
Pam had tears running down her face, I asked her if she was ok?
Pam said that she was so happy that I would walk her down the aisle.
I told her that Paul was like a son to me. I would do anything to make the ones he
loves happy as well.
    I went to the office that Paul and I used, I had a six pack of beer hide there. I
grabbed it and headed back the to the room that Paul and Tc were. I thought that a
couple of beers would steady there nerves a little. I handed them both a beer, Paul
asked where in the hell did you get these? I thought that we had no more.
Told him that I hide this six pack just for a day like this.
The president came in, he seen us all with a beer in are hands. He looks at me and
says, where is mine. I would like to drink one with you all.
The Col. came in a few minutes later, and the first thing out of his mouth was give me
a beer also. I would love to drink a beer with the men that made this day possible. The
Col. opens his beer and said I would like to make a toast to the men that saved and
kept all these people safe.
    This day was the most important day for a lot of people for in your little town.
Everyone was trying to make this day the best day for the four people that were getting
married. The sun was shining it was going to be a beautiful and peaceful day we
hoped. Linda and Sam were in the kitchen making a wedding cake. Other people were
making food for the wedding, there were people outside setting up chairs and a walk
way for the brides to walk down. A couple people even made an arch for them to get
married under. Everyone in this place that work together every day came together to
make this day a good and a happy one. It was something that wasn’t about survival it
was a day to for everyone to come together as a large family.
    It was getting closer to the time

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