Zombie World

Zombie World by Ronald DuBois

Book: Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald DuBois
Tags: Zombies
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seal it back up. Paul grabbed some
sheet medal and was getting ready to put it over the spot that they were getting
through. We heard Bang Bang and a zombie drop right in front of us. Paul drop the
sheet medal over the hole. I grabbed some tires and put them on top, we ran back to
the fence and climbed back over. We thanked the person that took out that zombie.
    The Col. Said that we are going to have to redo that barricade here very soon. I
already knew this it’s just that we have been doing other things instead. There were a
few other things that we need to fix around here.
I told the Col. That I think that he is right about us not going to DC. I told him that
there is a lot more that we need to do here before we start heading out that far. All that
stuff can wait until we make this better then what it is right now.
The Col. Agreed with me, and said that he was going to go and talk to the president
about all this. He told me to go and talk to Paul to see if you can get him to come
around to our side of thinking.
I told him that I would talk to him.
    I walked over to the school to go to the dining room to get something to eat.
Paul came in asked me what was up?
I told him that the Col. And I was talking about not going to DC. just yet. We still have
a lot to do here before we can head to other places. I would like to make sure this
place is very safe and I know that no zombies were going to get in here.
Paul said that he under stands I was talking to my sister today and something inside
of me said you can’t leave yet, you need to make this place safe for her and everyone
we brought to this place.
John told him the Col. Was going to talk to the president that we were not ready to
leave yet that we still have a lot to do here.
Paul replied we need to go and talk to the president now so he knows how we feel and
that we know that we cannot leave just yet.
    Headed over to the pres
ident’s office to talking to him.
John told Paul that the president is going to be disappointed.
Paul said that he might not, he might think that we are right about needing to get this
place safe before we go to other places.
When we got there, the Col. was already there talking to him. We walked in and told
the president that we were talking, and we also think that it was too early to go out
that far we have so much work here to do.
The president said that the Col. already explained it to me, and will hold off for now,
but I want you guys to make a list of everything that needs to be done.
John and Paul told the president that they can make the list, and have it to him in
about a week. John and Paul walked out of the president’s office, and were talking
about everything that they think that was going to be need fixed and done and put on
a list.

    A few weeks later Sabrina told her dad John, that her and TC were talking about
getting married before she had her baby.
John asked Sabrina she has talking to her mother yet about all this?
She told her dad that her mother told her to come and let him know, what her and TC
were talking about. She also said that her mom is happy and excited about them
getting married. She also told her father that she was happy and excited that she could
not wait.
John told his daughter Sabrina that he was happy and excited also, and asked her
when did they plan on getting married.
He was so excited that her father was happy and told them they would like to get
married as soon as possible. She said that they would like to do it by the end of the
week on Saturday and that she was going to invite everyone.
John told her to make her plans, he was going to talk to Paul about a few things.
They both went their separate ways; John was deep in thought but everything that was
happening. He was thinking about what his daughter was young. That he never
thought that she would have to live and raise children in a zombie apocalypse. He was
also thinking that he would never thought that there would ever be in

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