Zombie World

Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Page A

Book: Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald DuBois
Tags: Zombies
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apocalypse like
    John met up with Paul, and told him about TC and his daughter. Paul had some
great news he wanted tell John also.
Paul told John that he needed to sit down, I have some news that I want to tell you to.
John asked as the bad news, because right now I’m the happiest man in the messed up
Paul said that it was great news.
John walked over to his desk and sat down in his chair and said lay it on me bro.
Paul said that Pam and I are hitting it off, and I’m going to ask her to marry me.
I got up and shacked his hand and gave him a hug. I told him maybe you and Sabrina
can have a double wedding.
He snickered and said now that would be cool.
    He walked out of the office and I sat there think about everything. I could not
believe that it looks like everyone must be feeling safer. They seem to be making a life
here, everyone gets up every morning and go out to do their part. I got up and headed
to the clinic to see how everyone there is doing. The president’s wife is doing better I
stopped in to see how she was feeling. When I got into her room she was sitting up
and talking to her husband. I think she should be out of the clinic in a few days. I
heard her say that she couldn’t wait till she got out to meet the people that live her, she
also said that everyone she has met as very nice to her.
    I told the president and first lady that I have some good news. They both looked at
me and said at the same time, well want is the good news. I told them that my daughter
wants to get married by the end of the week and that Paul is going to ask Pam for her
to marry him.
The first lady said that she wants to be there for both.
The president said that he would be glad to marry them if they would like.
I said that, that would be great I will let them know.
Paul came running in and said she said yes she said yes.
I grabbed him and told him to slow down. What are you talking about?
He stood there trying to catch his breath, a few seconds later he was still trying to
breath at the same time he says she said yes.
I asked who said yes?
Pam said yes that she would marry me.
The first lady looked at him and said, did you run away right after she said yes.
He stood there with a blank look on his face, shit yes I did.
The first lady told him that he better goes find her, she might think that she scared
Without saying a word, he took off.
    I told the president and the first lady that I better go and catch up with him, the
president and the first lady were still laugh. I was laughing inside I could not believe
he ran off right after she said yes. This is something that he is never going to forget,
Pam will make sure that he doesn’t, it took me a few minutes to find him. He was
going into the school, that was where she worked in the back part on the kitchen she
helps keep track of the food we have. By the time I caught up with him he was just
opening the door to the kitchen. As we walked into the kitchen Pam came over and
started to chew him a new ass, Paul put his head down. As Pam was letting him have
it she looked at me and winked. Paul drops to one knees and he started to apologize, I
could hear it in his voice that he was about brake down and cry.
Pam bent down and told him that she was only playing. She told him she is sorry.
Paul got up and hugged her and kissed her. He kept saying that he was sorry for
running off right after you said yes.
Pam told him that she knew that he didn’t mean to run, he knew that he was so
excited that he had to run to tall someone.
    Paul said that he would never run from her ever again. He looked deep into her eyes
as he told her that he loved her so much. Pam knew that he loved her so much,
because she loved him just as much. Her heart would beat faster and faster when they
were close. His heart would do the same, his hands would sweat, he would also be
weak in the knees. There love was going to be forever in their life. They both wanted
to one heart and one

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