Worthy of Me

Worthy of Me by Yajna Ramnath

Book: Worthy of Me by Yajna Ramnath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yajna Ramnath
screwing me over?” Aiden spat.
    “Oh yeah, play dumb. Mia Scott knows how to play. She looks out for herself first. Isn’t that what you told me once?” Aiden laughed sarcastically. “You told me you had no heart and I fucking didn’t listen, now I’m the joke isn’t it?”
    “What the hell are you on about?” I shouted.
    “The fact that you’ve been playing me all this damn time!” Aiden roared making me stumble away from him. “You came in here needing a place which I gave—free of fucking charge. You needed a job which I gave without knowing you from a bar of soap. I tried to date you and be your friend and your payback was to make me feel as if I was taking advantage of you. I admitted that I had feelings for you and your reaction was to lie to me and say you felt the same!”
    “I do feel the same!” I shouted back. “How could you doubt that?”
    Aiden reached above the fridge and pulled out a stack of something and flung them at me, one of them managing to leave a cut along my cheek. They were photographs. Tons and tons of photographs. Some with me in it, some with me and the clothes I wore and all of those were with other guys.
    “Silent now, aren’t you? Silent because I got proof!” Aiden spat sarcastically.
    I looked at him with the pain from my heart reflected in my eyes. “You believe those?”
    “What more do you want, Mia?” Aiden said softly. “What more do you want from me? You got a place and a job and you even got to fuck me as many times as you want. These photos? How can anyone fake that?”
    I nodded once and lifted every photo from the floor. I said nothing to Aiden and walked up the stairs. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked around at the place that had become my home. I looked at all the frames around me of my friends and I. Once again, someone tried to mess with my happiness and this time they succeeded because not only did they take away my smile but they had my broken heart shattered all over again. I had begun packing my things when I noticed something…

    I could hear Aiden and Allison in the kitchen they were arguing about something. I drug my suitcases and duffels with me. They both stopped when they noticed me. Aiden had a pained expression when he looked at my luggage, while Allison had a smug one. I paused at the door and walked into the kitchen.
    “Here’s your rent for the last eight months,” I placed the envelope on the table.
    Aiden looked at it and at me, I knew he was about to tell me to keep it so I powered on. I looked at Allison. “Tell me something, what was it you were hoping to do with your life after highschool?”
    Allison frowned at me. “What business is that of yours, skank?”
    I chuckled. “Answer the question, brat.”
    Allison glanced at aide waiting for him to do something when he did nothing she turned to me. “Editing and designing, why?”
    I glanced at Aiden. “Who gave you these photos, Aiden?”
    Aiden glanced at me and then the photos in my hand. “Haley did, why?”
    Allison started laughing really loudly. “What are you going to blame me for those photos? Trust me those are real.”
    Aiden blinked and frowned at Allison. “How do you know? Haley brought it straight to me and I hadn’t shown it you. I wouldn’t show that to anyone.”
    I ignored Aiden’s glare and focused on Allison. “How did you know, Allison?”
    “Stop trying to cause troubles, you whore! You messed around behind my brother’s back and here is the evidence to prove it,” she gestured to the stack of photographs.
    “You are so transparent, Allison,” I chuckled and pulled out my framed photos from my duffel bag.
    I set them down on the table and then arrange the stack of photos accordingly. Aiden looked at them and his eyes widened.
    “You see, Allison, if you are planning on going into editing… you might wanna learn how to do it properly,” I glared at her. “Scanning photographs and then cutting out the images to

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