Worthy of Me

Worthy of Me by Yajna Ramnath Page B

Book: Worthy of Me by Yajna Ramnath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yajna Ramnath
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quietly, holding the velvet box in my hand. I had just purchased a five bedroom family mansion with my trust fund form my granddad. Everything was set. I walked down the hall getting closer to our bedroom only to hear the gasps and slap of skin against skin. I stood still right until she screamed out her climax.
    “God, Caro, that was amazing!” dickhead said from my bedroom.
    “All that pent up tension from the lack of sex,” Carolyn chuckled.
    “I don’t get it, why don’t you just fuck him already?” dickhead asked.
    “It’s all part of the plan. You men are twisted. Give you sex and you’re reeled in. Aiden? Aiden has been brought up to respect a woman, to shower her with love and affection and money. He’s been taught to be the faithful dog in the marriage.”
    “So you’re marrying him for his money then?”
    Carolyn chuckled. “Of course. Have you seen the things he buys and the places he takes me? He won’t even look at another girl when I’m around. He will worship the ground I walk on. Treat me like the princess he believes I am.”
    “So you can fuck around while he stays at home waiting for you?”
    “Exactly,” Carolyn laughed loud and proceeded to kiss the dickhead.
    I pushed the door opened then. “And what happens when that faithful dog finds out?”
    That night I had felt a sick sort of satisfaction watching the blood drain from her face and see them scramble to put their clothes on. I called the police and had them locked up for trespassing. Soon after that I sold the mansion, the car and all the jewellery I bought for her and used that money to get her out of town along with a restraining order that if she ever entered Houghton again, I would sue her ass.
    That same night I bedded five women and hadn’t stopped fucking my way through the town. Thereafter I focused on Kingston and everything was right in the world until Mia.
    She was a breath of fresh air with her green eyes, dark hair and voluptuous body. Her attitude and sense of style tilted my world around. I had no idea when I started falling in love with her. It could have been the first day I opened the door and she devoured me with her gaze or it could’ve been that day outside the bathroom, hell it may even have been the day she told Allison off.
    But I love her.
    There was pain in her eyes. So much pain, I wanted to find a sword and slay those dragons for her. I wanted to make all her nightmares disappear. I wanted to be hers.
    I had it and I threw it away all because of my pride and my inability to get over Carolyn and her betrayal. I drove to the park and sat on the bench under a huge oak tree. It was a rare day of sunshine and it shone through the branches and leaves making patterns on the grass.
    I looked up at the blue sky and prayed. I prayed I could see her one more time. Just to apologise, to beg and to tell her how much I love her. I needed her more than my next breath. I needed to tell her how much she meant to me. I needed to remind her of all those times we spent together. I had to remind her of how good we were together.
    I shook my head and looked down.
    There she was. My Mia, walking towards me with a frown on her face and hesitance in her steps, her body encased in tight jeans and an old t-shirt of mine. I had never seen her more beautiful in my life.
    “What are you doing here?” she asked in a soft voice.
    I closed my eyes and let the tears I held back, fall. I gasped when I felt the soft pads of her thumbs brush away the tears. I opened my eyes to stare into her wet green ones.
    “I guess I need to turn in my man card for all this emotional stuff, huh?” I laughed.
    Mia shook her head. “No, but, Aiden… what are you doing here?”
    I told her then about Carolyn and why I doubted her. Mia listened in silence next to me, occasionally rubbing my hands or entwining her fingers with mine—it was something she did when she had no idea what else to do with herself.
    “I saw the photos and my first thought

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