Vampires Rule
recorded them
in the diary. Now, I must caution you about these visions, Jack.
Lovely warned us that the future is never written in stone.
Sometimes she had more than one vision about the same event, two
possible outcomes. We try to take everything she wrote down with a
grain of salt.”
    Jack leaned forward, eager to hear what the
faerie had written about him. If it was bad news, he could change
it. Vanessa had made that clear.
    “Lovely wrote about a young vampire.
According to her the boy would be attacked by a werewolf and made
mortal once again.”
    “You see!” Silver leaped out of her seat,
unable to contain her excitement. “How many times do you think that
can happen? It’s him.”
    Andrew glared at her.
    Vanessa wasn’t finished. “Now for the bad
news. In one of her visions, Lovely saw this boy develop the powers
of both vampire and werewolf, yet he remains mortal so he can be
killed. Fighting the head werewolf while vulnerable is suicide. I
wonder if you truly care enough for my daughter to risk your
    Jack remained silent because he’d wondered
the same thing.
    “That’s why I didn’t want you in school,”
Silver said. “Not all werewolves and vampires have heard about
Lovely or about your part in the end battle, but there are some out
there who know the whole story and would risk anything to kill you.
If they find out who you are before you get your powers, you’re
    “Did Lovely see me take on the head
werewolf?” he asked. “How does it end?”
    Vanessa checked with Silver before she
answered. When Silver nodded, her mother continued. “There are a
couple of possibilities listed in the diary. She saw you fighting
her werewolf, but she couldn’t tell who won. It’s not for sure
you’ll even make it to the start of the war. One diary entry
detailed your death long before the head werewolf begins to grow
his army.”
    “When?” If he could see it coming, he could
stop it. “How?”
    “It’s unclear as to who kills you or how they
do it. As for when, it would have to be before the war. You’re most
vulnerable right now. If I was going to kill you, I’d do it in the
next few weeks or so.”
    “What about my powers? What kind of powers am
I getting? You mentioned werewolf powers. What is that supposed to
mean? Am I going to start howling at the moon?”
    Was he going to get fleas?
    Silver took over the explanations. She
settled next to him again. Her hand rested on his knee. The tender
gesture brought a murderous scowl to her father’s face and a
disapproving frown to her mother’s. Silver didn’t notice. Her deep
blue eyes were fixated on his face and his alone.
    “The diary isn’t specific when it comes to
your powers. I don’t think Lovely saw that much. All we know is
that you’ll retain some powers of a vampire, and you’ll develop
some powers of the werewolf, so you won’t go into the fight
    “But I’ll still be mortal?”
    Great. He was going to be a bigger freak than
he’d been before. So much for getting a second chance at being a
normal person. He watched his dreams hit an invisible fan. The
blades sliced those dreams to shreds.
    “Are you going to tell him about the legend,
how the first werewolf and vampire got created?” Silver asked.
    Vanessa shook her head once. “He doesn’t need
to know that right now. I told him the part that concerns him.”
    Silver crossed the room to hug her parents,
first her mom and then her dad. She told them she had to take Jack
home before Billy started to worry about him. Her dad’s expression
softened when he held her. They told her to be careful and to be
home in time for dinner.
    The scene brought an emotional lump to Jack’s
throat. He missed his parents, especially his mom. He tried to
imagine how his mom would react to his situation if she was alive.
She probably would have told him to follow his gut. She definitely
would have liked Silver.
    Billy wasn’t

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