Wisdom Tree

Wisdom Tree by Mary Manners

Book: Wisdom Tree by Mary Manners Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Manners
Tags: Christian fiction
that explains the spearmint, at least.” Jake rubbed his chin and smiled. “Pastor Julian just moved in next door to her.”

    “Ming Tree Restaurant.” Carin scanned the vibrant black and red marquee as Jake made a right turn off the main road. “I’ve never heard of it.”
    “No?” Jake maneuvered the Jeep into a parking space and killed the engine. “Then you’re in for a real treat. You’re about to sample the best Chinese food in the state.”
    “Money back guarantee, huh?”
    “In full.” Jake slipped from the driver’s side and came around to open the door for her. Cool evening air caused ripples to dance across the surface of the river beyond. A few strands of Carin’s hair escaped from a silver clip, caressing smooth, flushed cheeks. A gentle breeze carried the scent of her perfume. She pulled a cotton sweater over her shoulders.
    “It’s pretty here.”
    “Yes, especially on a clear evening like this, when the sun dips below the horizon.” He watched her tilt her face into the breeze and breathe in the scent of autumn leaves that rustled along the riverbank. “After dinner we can take a walk along the river boulevard, if you’d like.”
    “That sounds nice. I would like to…very much.”
    He followed her up the walk and through double wooden doors decorated in an Asian motif. The soft melody of a mandolin wafted from the foyer, and a lighted saltwater aquarium boasted giant koi fish that swam in a slow, mesmerizing cadence. The fish reminded Jake of Corey, who always liked to pause for a moment to make silly faces through the aquarium glass. He hoped Corey wasn’t giving Patrick and Julie too much trouble.
    The aroma of marinated meats and vegetables filled the air. Jake’s stomach growled as an older, portly Chinese woman named Sulee greeted them.
    “Hello, Pastor Jake.” A broad smile revealed a slight gap between her two front teeth. Her dark hair, peppered with gray, was smoothed into a tight, neat bun. She wiped her hands on a starched white apron. “And who’s this?”
    “Sulee, I’d like you to meet Carin O’Malley.”
    “Well, hello there. Nice to meet you, Miss O’Malley. Welcome.” Her head bobbed as she reached for Carin’s hand. “I have a special table reserved for you.”
    The aroma of won-ton soup and egg rolls washed over Jake as Sulee led them through the restaurant, past booths tucked into corners and tables bathed in the soft glow of light from paper lanterns, to a wall of windows. There she motioned to a table with a river view backdropped by cloud-haloed Smoky Mountains.
    “Oh, Jake, it’s wonderful.” Carin gazed out the expanse of windows as waning sunlight masked in hues of frothy peach and ripe berry danced across the horizon. “What an amazing sunset.”
    “Thanks, Sulee.” Jake winked. “This is perfect.”
    She handed them menus. “Would you like the usual, or do you need a few minutes?”
    “The usual?” Carin asked.
    “Beef and broccoli,” Jake tapped the menu. “Gotta have my greens.”
    “That sounds good.” Carin nodded. “I’ll have the same.”
    Sulee nodded. “Perfect choice.” She smiled at Carin and poured steaming Chinese tea into a gold-rimmed, floral teacup. “Jake, you have a very pretty girl with you today. Smart, too. Left Corey at home, yes?”
    “He’s with a friend. You remember Dillon?”
    “Of course—the boy who spilled soda all over the floor and broke two glasses playing table hockey with a wadded piece of paper?”
    “Ouch.” Jake grimaced. “Yes, that’s Dillon.”
    “I remember.” She nodded again. “Good for you to have some quiet time to share dinner with such a nice girl. Enjoy…both of you.”
    “Table hockey?” Carin grinned as Sulee turned to leave, murmuring fervently in Chinese. “Come here often?”
    “More than I should. Corey likes the food, and Sulee always gives him a handful of fortune cookies filled with Bible verses and unique messages. He gets a kick

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