Wisdom Tree

Wisdom Tree by Mary Manners Page B

Book: Wisdom Tree by Mary Manners Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Manners
Tags: Christian fiction
the exhaustion of his own grief, coupled with the help of some powerful sedatives, sent him into a deep, dreamless sleep. “I don’t know what I would have done without Patrick and Julie, too. They’ve been like a lifeline.”
    “Corey has mentioned them a lot in his journal. They seem like very caring people.”
    “Oh, that doesn’t begin to put a dent in it. Patrick carried the load at church until I got back on my feet. And Julie, well, she took Corey under her wing, got him and Dillon buddied up. Those two are mischief together, for sure, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
    “And you…?” Carin’s gaze was filled with questions. “Has anyone taken you under their wing?”
    Jake thought of Rachelle and the way she’d balked at the idea of him taking custody of Corey. Her voice echoed through his head like an annoying refrain.
    You really want to sacrifice the next seven years of your life—our lives—for a kid who’s not even your own?
    He’d tried his best to reason with her, to make her understand his need to protect Corey, to nurture him. Their brother-bond was rock-solid strong, despite their age difference. But in the end, Rachelle refused to budge.
    “It’s him or me, Jake.” She’d crossed her arms and turned her back to him, her dark eyes like two cold stones, and he knew without a second thought what road he would take. “Choose carefully,” she’d added, and the chilling words coupled with a defiant tilt of her chin only served to cement Jake’s decision.
    Even now, the callous words and cold gleam that sharpened her gaze made Jake seethe. How could he have been so foolish to fall in love with someone so selfish and shallow? How could he not see?The depth of his blindness shamed him as he remembered the way she’d tossed her engagement ring onto the kitchen table, as if it held no value—no meaning—at all. The echo as it bounced over the Formica surface matched the staccato gunshot of her high heels across the polished wood floor as she stormed out the front door of his house.
    Jake trained his eyes on Carin and forced the memory away. “I lean on God,” he said. But he knew from the look in Carin’s eyes that she knew…the human side of him, the man, needed more, longed for more. The road was long and lonely and filled with detours that would be so much easier to navigate...with the help of another. He swallowed hard and prayed for a change of subject. Just then, Sulee rounded the corner. Jake leaned forward. “Look, here comes our food.”
    Sulee set the plates on the table and steam from fried rice billowed up like a cloud. “I made it extra special, just for you.” She grinned her gap-toothed smile and nodded in a short, quick burst. “Enjoy.”
    Jake drew a breath. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2 washed over him, and he felt a quiet strength restore his mood. What good would his resentment about events from the past serve now? I need to look forward, not back.
    He cleared his throat. “Do you mind if I say grace?”
    “Please…do.” Carin bowed her head as Jake reached for her hand. Her skin was warm and smooth against his callused palms, and as his fingers brushed her wrist she twitched. He felt her pulse quicken to a cadence that mirrored his.
    “Dear Lord, bless this food, and thank you for this time together. May we remember to trust in You and stay strong in You. For You, God, are the true Rock, our fortress and anchor in the many storms of life. Amen.”
    “Amen,” Carin echoed.
    He was glad the prayer didn’t seem to make her uncomfortable. Maybe giving her the Bible had helped. He knew from experience that just because someone abandoned the church, it didn’t mean their faith was abandoned, as well. Jake was reluctant to let go of the delicate fingers that had twined with his. But somehow he managed and reached for his fork. “Dig in.”
    “Mmm, it smells delicious.” Carin speared a

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