William Shakespeare's The Phantom Menace

William Shakespeare's The Phantom Menace by Ian Doescher

Book: William Shakespeare's The Phantom Menace by Ian Doescher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Doescher
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to comprehend this news.
    O, thou art not alone, if thou canst not
    The midi-chlorians yet understand.
    Yet be thou patient and, in time, thou shalt.
    [ aside: ] If I have heard aright, it seems to me
    The midi-chlorians make a tough cell.
    Enter Q UEEN A MIDALA and J AR J AR B INKS .
    Your Majesty, it is our honor to
    Continue in your service and defense.
    Your aid is fully welcome. Palpatine
    Believes I do but flee the frying pot
    To face the Federation’s fire at home.
    Whilst you are in my charge, I’ll chill the threat
    Of any Federation flames that rise.
    As long as I have breath, I’ll guard your life.
    Hurrah! Now weesa goin’ homee!
    Methinks it may be trouble we pursue—
    If so, we fly to battle on Naboo.
    [Exeunt .

    On the planet Naboo and aboard the Naboo cruiser .
    Enter N UTE G UNRAY and R UNE H AAKO on balcony, with D ARTH S IDIOUS in beam .
    Have you the planet verily secur’d?
    We’ve ta’en control of all the remnants of
    The primitives that o’er the planet roam.
    Naboo is now in our complete command.
    â€™Tis well. I shall, for my part, cause such stalls
    Within the Senate that all shall remain
    Just as it is. The status quo shall hold.
    To be assur’d of your continu’d strength,
    I shall send my apprentice, e’en Darth Maul,
    To help maintain your power o’er Naboo.
    Indeed, my lord.
    [Exit Darth Sidious from beam .
    â€”A Sith shall hither come?
    Now doth a madness new before us rise.
    [Exeunt Nute and Rune from balcony .
    Enter O BI -W AN K ENOBI , R IC O LIÉ , and A NAKIN S KYWALKER aside, in the cockpit of the Naboo cruiser .
    Those do control the forward stabilizers.
    And these control the pitch?
    â€”They do, indeed.
    Thou art a student quick and most astute.
    once we do land, the Federation shall
    Arrest your royal person, bind you as
    A common criminal, and force you then
    To sign their awful treaty.
    â€”I agree.
    I do not see what profit comes of this.
    I shall but even out our bottom line,
    And take back what belongs to us by right.
    â€™Tis not for profit, but for justice’s sake.
    We few, we happy few, are but too few.
    We have no army that can match their count.
    I can protect you, but can fight no war.
    â€™Tis understood. I call on Jar Jar Binks.
    You wantin’ meesa, Youra Highness?
    I do. The queen hath need of thy kind help.
    [Obi-Wan, Ric, and Anakin join the others .
    As we did land, a battleship was seen
    Upon our scopes—a single one, ’tis true,
    Yet one shall be enough to give us chase.
    It was a droid control ship, orbiting.
    Belike they saw us as we landing made.
    To make it brief: time runneth short for us.
    [Exeunt .
    Enter R UMOR .
    Below, upon the ground, a hope doth wait,
    E’en as the ship doth land, all have new fears.
    Herein all those on board shall find their fate—
    O, how it frightfully unknown appears.
    Look now, as I do make their hearts afraid,
    Determin’d, yet deterr’d by all their doubt.
    The final act shall on Naboo be play’d,
    Hath Rumor set the pieces to work out?
    E’en now, the Jedi start to doubt their place:
    Guards they shall be unto the queen no more.
    Uniting these two people face-to-face—
    Naboo’s hopes to ensure—is not their chore.
    Good soldiers of the queen become nonpluss’d
    And e’en Queen Amidala, in her breast,
    Now hath, by Rumor’s will, more doubt than trust:
    Shall they on Jar Jar all their future rest?
    Enter Q UI -G ON J INN and O BI -W AN K ENOBI .
    Toward the Gungan city Jar Jar’s gone.
    â€™Tis well.
    â€”Think you the queen’s idea shall

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