Into the Future: A Callahan Novel

Into the Future: A Callahan Novel by Celya Bowers

Book: Into the Future: A Callahan Novel by Celya Bowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celya Bowers
sunshine to it.
    “I told you we’re a team.” 
    “Then we’ll stay here.”  She’d been mulling over the implications of moving into Tristan’s home with her children.  She couldn’t find a downside.
    “You mean, you and kids will stay here with me?” His hands lightly caressed her body.  “Lizzy, are you sure?”
    “Yes, I’m sure.”
    “Thank you, Lizzy.”

    Sunday had been the longest day in her life.
    Thank goodness, Tristan had been her life line that day.  After picking up a few things from her home, including her SUV, she shopped for the kids some clothes to wear to school.
    When she arrived at Paul’s mother’s home, cars lined both sides of the street. Lizzy had thought the house would be somber, but she heard music playing, people laughing, and kids playing.  It almost looked like a party. 
    She entered the house with Tristan close behind.  Bea introduced her to a group of older women sitting around the living room.  “This is my ex-daughter-in-law, Lysette and this is her gentleman, Tristan.”
    The women looked them up and down, then nodded approvingly.  “We were planning the memorial.  I’m having Paul cremated when they release his body.”
    “That sounds fitting, Bea.  Let me know if you need any help with anything.”
    Bea smiled.  “This is my quilting circle.  Also my support group.  The women have been wonderful this weekend.  The kids have been angels too.  PJ suggested the memorial.”
    That sounded like her very mature son.  Wise beyond his eight years.  “It’s a wonderful idea.”
    “I hope this doesn’t change anything between us, Lizzy.  I enjoy my time with the children.”
    She reached for the older woman’s hand.  “Oh, no, Bea.  The kids can visit you whenever you like.  Just let me know.”
    “Oh thank you, dear!  I was so worried that you’d cut me off since Paul is out of the picture.”
    “Has anyone called you since his death?” Lizzy had to know. 
    “Only the coroner this morning.  He said Paul’s body should be released on Monday. His insurance policies are in my safe deposit box. He’d placed them there when the divorce was final,” she explained. “So I’ll get them tomorrow.” Bea took a long exhausted breath.  “I still can’t believe my baby is gone.  He wasn’t much of man, but he was still my child.”
    Lizzy rubbed the woman’s hand affectionately.  “I know, Bea.  I was worried about the kids, but they were more concerned about you.”
    “Yes, they were such a help to me yesterday.  It like I was telling them about someone they didn’t know.  I kept telling Paul he needed to be a better father to those kids.  But he was just like his daddy.  Everything else was more important to him than family.” Bea wiped her eyes.  “Now it’s too late.”  She glanced at Tristan sitting across the room and talking to the other women.  “They like your man.  PJ spoke of him highly.  And you know that takes some doing.”
    Lizzy nodded.  PJ didn’t give his love easily.  He and Tristan formed a quick and strong bond.  “Yes, he attends PJ’s soccer games.”
    “I’m glad he has such a positive force in his life.  I just don’t want him to forget his daddy.  I know he wasn’t the best, but he was his father.”
    “I wouldn’t do anything to smear Paul’s memory.”  Paul did enough of that in life, she thought.  She couldn’t erase all the time Paul lost to his son.  Lizzy felt they both lost out. 
    PJ and Tatum entered the room and ran straight to their mother.  They both hugged her tightly and kissed her on the cheek.  PJ then went over to Tristan and hugged him, before plopping his body on his lap.  Tatum soon followed her brother. 
    Tristan wrapped his arms around the kids and kissed both of them on the forehead.  Bea sighed.  “Now that’s how a man is supposed to be with his kids.  I have to admire Tristan.”
    “How so?”
    Bea nodded at him.  “I

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