Where Words Fail

Where Words Fail by Katheryn Kiden, Kathy Krick, Melissa Gill, Kelsey Keeton Page A

Book: Where Words Fail by Katheryn Kiden, Kathy Krick, Melissa Gill, Kelsey Keeton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katheryn Kiden, Kathy Krick, Melissa Gill, Kelsey Keeton
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Tuesday... Everything is so flipping complicated that I don’t even know where to begin.” Tuesday had come in the house to help with dinner, and she had been trying to help figure out what I was going to do. I had been swearing up a storm until Izzy got back from her girl’s day with Mary. We try to keep the swearing to a minimum with her around now, so we don’t get another call from the school asking why Izzy was calling some kid a twat waffle... Explaining how that was bad with a straight face was hard!
    “Well it’s obvious you still love him. Christ you told everyone in the world that with your song.”
    “I… well... Frick!” This conversation would be so much easier if I could swear... I ran my hands over my face. “God, I just don’t know.”
    “Aunnie, he’s cute... It’ll be fine and you guys will have cute babies.” I nearly choked on the wine I had just taken a sip of. Tuesday was trying not to laugh and Izzy didn’t even notice and kept peeling the potatoes she had been working on. All I could think is that we almost did make a cute baby.
    “Not everything works out because a boy is cute, Izzy.”
    “I know.” She threw me a look that straight up told me I was an idiot. “I’m six, not stupid. But he loves you and you love him.”
    “Oh yeah? How can you tell smarty pants?”
    “When we were in the barn earlier, he looked sad, like somebody ran over his puppy sad. All because you wouldn’t talk to him. It’s the same way that you look right now, and I don’t like you being sad.” My breath caught in my chest. How could my six year old niece be smarter when it came to love than I am? I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. I told her I loved her and decided it was time to change the subject and finish up making dinner.
    I had been asleep for a few hours at least when someone started banging on the door. I stood up rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I shuffled my feet across the floor to the door. Pulling open the door, I leaned against the frame.
    “Hey Tuesday, what’s up?” When the hell did she get here and why was she banging on my door?
    “Dinner is what’s up. Go put some clothes on and let’s go.” I looked down and yawned, realizing I only had on my jeans and socks.
    “You want me to go to dinner with you?”
    She shook her head and laughed. “No, well... Kind of I guess. Everyone’s in the house getting ready to eat so let’s go.”
    “I doubt that Abby and Alex want me in their house, let alone at their dinner table.”
    “God you’re stupid.” She mumbled and cleared her throat. “If Abby didn’t want you there than Abby wouldn’t have sent me over to get you. And as for Alex... He’s just looking out for his sister. He won’t get too rowdy, and if he does, don’t worry, I’ll take care of him.” Tuesday winked before pushing me back towards the bedroom where my shirt was. “You hurt her, Jameson, and she’s willing to let you into her life here while she figures her shit out. That’s a huge step for her. So, I’m only going to say this once because she’s my best friend.” She pushed me against the wall and got in my face. Her bangs falling in her eyes as her breath fanned over my skin. “If you hurt her again, Alex might not be able to kill you, but AJ, Jason and I will.”
    All I could do was nod. I didn’t plan on ever hurting her again. I was so in love with her that it was hurting me every minute we weren’t together. Tuesday turned and threw my shirt at me and headed for the door with me right on her heels.
    “Izzy, go get washed up for dinner, baby,” Alex said as he walked into the kitchen. Izzy saluted him and jumped from the stool she was sitting on and headed towards the bathroom.
    “God, Alex. I can’t believe she starts first grade soon.”
    “I know, she’s so smart. I got lucky with her...” I nodded my agreement. “So I heard you looked like a kicked

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