When The Fur Flies

When The Fur Flies by Kelliea Ashley

Book: When The Fur Flies by Kelliea Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelliea Ashley
Tags: Paranormal
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High Priest’s glare with a calm demeanor. Her reputation as the Ice Witch was well earned as far as Reginald was concerned. The Keeper was unmoved by O’Mallery’s disapproval.
    “Do not parrot my words back to me, Keeper Carver. This is a different scenario. The Witch in question must not be allowed to cavort with Wolves.” Reginald growled at O’Mallery’s daring. The High Priest had some nerve insulting his species on Wolven property.
    “This Coven has no power over her,” the Keeper pointed out logically. Her brow rose as she held the High Priest’s glare. O’Mallery’s wrinkled, gray face turned an unnatural shade of red as he opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water.
    “Why, this behavior cannot be allowed—”
    “Is it against pack law for a Wolven and a Witch to mate, Alpha Leclair?” Alexa asked him softly.
    “Not that I’m aware of.” He growled lowly, turning a glare of promised retribution toward the Council members, who sank in their chairs under his anger.
    “It has never been allowed before!” Rudolf shouted as he jumped from his seat. The aged Wolven never liked Reginald’s leadership, had in fact verbally challenged his position. Alexa’s dark head swiveled toward him.
    “Never been allowed, or just never been done? There is a big difference, Councilman Blanchard.” She turned to the High Priest’s second in command and Holder of the Treaty. “Mistress Verity, is there a law against the binding of these two species...or any species for that matter?”
    Mistress Verity was a very small woman who appeared to be in her thirties but could have easily been a few hundred years old. Her blonde hair was piled on her head with curls escaping on the top to hang down in her face. A pair of red-framed glasses sat upon her dainty nose. She lifted the cover of the six-inch book before her, placing it on the table. Pages fanned opened, quickly causing her curls to blow back out of her face as she stared down at them. When the last page flipped over she slammed the book shut just as quickly. Her brown eyes locked with Tray’s before she looked at Alexa over her glasses.
    “There is no such decree, Keeper. In truth, the blending of the three main species was never addressed for the odds of it happening were astronomical at the time. We simply did not address it.” She turned a smile at Reginald, who nodded his head at her gratefully.
    “It will be addressed now to everyone’s satisfaction—”
    “With all due respect, High Priest, you are sitting on Wolven land. There are no laws being broken, no one harmed by the mating of a Wolven and a Solitary Witch. So unless you have other concerns, I will consider this matter of my mating closed.” Reginald folded his arms over a wide chest, his dark blue eyes daring any of them to disagree.
    “I agree, this matter is closed.” Alexa nodded. “Please take my sincere congratulations on your union, Alpha Leclair.” Her pretty smile was met with grunts and outright cursing from the men around the table.
    “All is not settled!” O’Mallery’s aged fist hit the table with a thump that made him grimace in pain. The room instantly quieted. “Now, you may get away with fornicating with a poor excuse for a Witch, but you won’t get away with harboring that individual when she is implicated in the abduction of Miss Elaina Dunt.” Silver eyes challenged him with a malicious glee. Reginald glared right back at him.
    “Perhaps, this council should hear all of the facts before you start slandering my mate.” His warning growl had the older man sitting up in his seat. The High Priest narrowed his eyes and moved in for the kill.
    “She has admitted to the deed herself, Alpha Leclair. And you have invited all-out war by taking her into this pack.”
    “Who has been whispering into the ears of this council? As far as I know, only two individuals would know who helped Miss Dunt escape. Her and her rescuer.” He pulled out his chair and tipped

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