When The Fur Flies

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Book: When The Fur Flies by Kelliea Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelliea Ashley
Tags: Paranormal
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Law simply states that no individual, regardless of species or station or sex, can be forced into wedlock, mate hood, or spiritual binding without their express cooperation and consent.” Mistress Verity blinked over at him innocently. “Miss Dunt’s personal choice must be confirmed before any action is taken to hand her over to the Vampires.” She pushed her glasses up her nose with a small smile that lit her brown eyes with pleasure.
    “And just how do you propose we do this, Mistress Verity? Miss Dunt has disappeared, and even our strongest seers are not able to ascertain her exact whereabouts.”
    “I will find her,” Alexa volunteered. “I will bear witness to her frame of mind.”
    “You? You who makes no secret your love for the woman responsible for Miss Dunt’s disappearance?” O’Mallery’s gravelly voice held cutting sarcasm and derision.
    “Are you challenging my ability to be impartial in this circumstance, High Priest?” Green eyes flashed with inner power as Alexa pinned the old man down. “I assure you, I did not earn the position of Keeper without being harshly tested. Perhaps you would like to recant that earlier question?” She held his angry gaze, communicating on a level no other around the room could be a party to. Reginald didn’t know the exact method for testing a potential Keeper. He had heard horror stories of the torture those who had failed the tests experienced.
    “I apologize, Keeper.” The High Priest grudgingly dropped his gaze to his hands on the table. “I bring no question of your ability to be impartial in this, or any other matter concerning the Treaty. This situation has gotten out of hand, and the imminent danger to all of us and our families has us all on edge. We shall leave this matter in your hands, for now.” He glared at Reginald from across the table as he stood, his back curved so he didn’t appear to stand straight at all. “This union of Wolven and Witch is doomed to fail, you know this, Alpha Leclair. It is impossible for a Wolven to find happiness with a Witch who can’t even follow the rules and rites of her own people.”
    “I’ll worry about my personal affairs, thank you. Safe journey, High Priest.” Reginald watched the man as he simply vanished before him. Mistress Verity shook her head, blonde curls dancing as she scooped up the thick book as if it weighed nothing and held it to her chest. She smiled up at him with an inner peace and beauty that would have moved any other male.
    “Please congratulate my dear friend Allison on her mating.” She sighed softly. “So romantic.” She slid her gaze toward Tray. A teasing grin lit up her face before she gave him a wink. Then she too was gone.
    “Ah, I’m going to go check in with the security teams. They’ll be changing up soon.” Tray gave Alexa a nod before he left the room. Reginald waited as the Wolven Council members quickly followed Tray out the door without a word. Rudolf hung his head and scurried out quickly, leaving him alone with Alexa.
    “Well, that was interesting.” She smiled and tilted her head. “You realize this isn’t over. There will be individuals within both our factions who will see your mating as a slap in the face.”
    “Is that what you think this is?”
    “I think Allison is a strong spirit who has a knack for finding trouble. Her parents’ deaths changed her from a loving child full of hope to an awkward teen that had no ties to the living. She has been a constant worry for me. I’m relieved to know she has you to protect her. There is just one thing I must know, Reginald. Do you love her?”
    “That’s not a question I expected from you, Keeper.” He folded his arms over his chest and gave her a fierce look that should have intimidated her. It didn’t. Alexa tilted her head as she gave him her best smile.
    “I’m not speaking as the Keeper of the Treaty now, Alpha. I’m asking you if you truly love my little cousin. If you don’t love her as a

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