When The Fur Flies

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Book: When The Fur Flies by Kelliea Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelliea Ashley
Tags: Paranormal
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it back to rest on two feet as he folded his hands behind his head in a posture of ease.
    “You deny she is responsible for this deed, then?”
    “Who accuses her?” he barked back at the leader of the Witch’s Coven.
    “Master Chambers has petitioned the Coven for possession of the Witch, Allison Carver. In his request he stated that she confessed to him. What more evidence do you need, Alpha?” O’Mallery wiped at his mouth to hide his gleeful smile. In his pale gray eyes, Reginald could see the need for revenge. If he had his way, O’Mallery would soon be in possession of the little Witch who rejected him when he would have made her his equal. Unease had Reginald sitting his chair back on all four feet with a loud thump. He’d never let the old devil anywhere near his mate. Possessive rage had his Wolf fighting for dominance.
    “I have never put much stock in the words of the undead.” He spoke in a deceptively soft tone. Inside, his animal was chewing at the bit to take the old Witch’s head off his shoulders.
    “She’s bewitched our Alpha, High Priest O’Mallery.” Rudolf sliced a hand toward Reginald. “As you can see he is clearly not himself...”
    “Hold your tongue, Blanchard,” Tray growled over at him. “I will not permit you to insult my Alpha’s stability or leadership, again.”
    “If you wish to challenge my leadership, you may do so tomorrow night with the others. As with the first time, I look forward to it.” Reginald felt satisfied as Rudolf sat back in his chair, clearly intimidated by his leader. He still held the scars from his first challenge to this Alpha and didn’t relish adding to them. He dropped his eyes to the table in a move of submission that was easily recognizable to everyone in the room.
    “Elder Chambers’s petition to our Coven is moot.” Alexa sighed. “It is not in the Coven’s power to relinquish Mistress Carver to him.”
    “How dare you address her with the respect given to Coven members?” O’Mallery sliced a sharp glance of disapproval at Alexa, who shrugged a slim shoulder at him, clearly not moved by his anger.
    “She is still a blood Witch, High Priest. And now, she is also the Alpha’s mate. I would address her with the respect due to one of her social position.” Her green eyes danced as she smiled at Reginald. “In truth I would show her my respect simply because she is my beloved cousin, blood of my blood.” Beside her the High Priest’s face turned the color of an overripe tomato. Reginald smiled back at Alexa and nodded his thanks to her.
    “This does not resolve this mess. She must release Miss Dunt into the custody of her fiancé before the rise of the new moon. There will be war the likes of which this pathetic world could not survive! Inevitably, those stupid humans will become involved, and all of us will be discovered. The Dark Ages proved this must not happen! We must not be found out, again!” O’Mallery hit the table gently this time. His big rings clanked against the wood of the table for emphasis.
    “Miss Dunt has a right to choose her path in this life. Her will must be taken into account, High Priest,” Alexa calmly stated. “No one knows whether she welcomed escape from her nuptials with the Vampire Elder. We can’t send her back to Wilhelm Chambers, unless that is her wish. As you said, High Priest O’Mallery, we must not revert to the Dark Ages where women were no more than possessions. Miss Dunt has the right to choose her mate.”
    “Why, what wouldn’t she find attractive about marrying an immortal, her being a weak human?” O’Mallery wiped a hand through his nonexistent hair and missed the way Alexa rolled her eyes at him in disgust. She clearly did not think highly of her spiritual leader. Reginald could not blame her. He didn’t like the old man’s lust for Allison’s blood. If war was to break out among their two groups, O’Mallery would be the first person on his hit list.
    “High Priest, Treaty

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