When Lust Rules

When Lust Rules by Virginia Cavanaugh

Book: When Lust Rules by Virginia Cavanaugh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Cavanaugh
“Why don’t we start
small? Ask me some questions about pack life. We really aren’t much different
from you, well, except the whole transformation and howl-at-the-moon thing.”
    Julie let loose a small laugh. “Well. I’m not really sure
where to start. I mean I didn’t even know about all this until tonight. I
accused Luken of fighting dogs.”
    Jasmine laughed. “Oh that was classic. I wish I could have
seen his face. But why did you think he was fighting dogs?”
    “Earlier today I called him and there was, I guess, a wolf
fight going on in the background. I didn’t know what to think.”
    “Oh. You heard the match that Kendall was in.”
    Julie remembered that name being called out in the
background. “Who’s Kendall?”
    “He’s one of our juveniles. He found his mate in another
pack and there was a little bit of a scuffle. Another wolf wanted to lay claim
to her so the other alpha requested a match for dominance. Kendall won.”
    Julie’s eyes widened. “He killed the other guy?”
    Jasmine sat forward, waving her hand. “No, no, no. I
should’ve clarified. My bad. He just handed him his ass. This wasn’t a death
match. Our males are a little more possessive though so it does lead to some
fights now and then. They are like souped-up testosterone-filled human guys.
You know, always wanting to play the my-dick’s-bigger-than-yours game.” Jasmine
laughed. “But let me tell ya, it makes them that much better in the sack
    “Really?” Julie leaned forward, eager to learn more about
this world Luken came from.
    “Oh yeah. You ever want to have some nice and wild sex, make
Luken jealous.”
    Julie frowned and looked down at the beige carpet. Did
Jasmine know this from experience?
    A big laugh interrupted Julie’s inner thoughts.
    “No, okay. Just eww. I have not smashed with Luken. He’s
like my brother.”
    Again Julie felt relieved. She was starting to like Jasmine,
and if she’d been with Luken things could have gotten weird. Over the next half
hour Julie had been amazed at all the things she’d learned about the pack. They
were self-sustaining. Each had their own function inside the pack, like those
who patrolled and those who cared for and educated the young. Aside from that
they all had jobs. Lots of them ran businesses where others of their kind would
work. They even employed some humans who were in-the-know. Not many, but a few.
Each business paid a percentage to the pack, and that money was then invested
by wolves who were sent to school and educated in the ways of the stock market
and investments. They didn’t trust their finances to outsiders. The money
gained was used to support the pack, used for the upkeep on their homes,
schools and placed in their security. It paid those who watched over the young
and who patrolled the den. They were their own form of government. And in that
instance it would be like Luken was the president. This made her cringe. She
sure didn’t look at herself as first-lady material.
    “Luken’s back,” Jasmine said.
    Julie smiled and looked toward the door a second before it
opened. Everything about these wolves was starting to astound her. Jasmine had
heard him or smelled him or something. What would it be like to have those
kinds of senses? A pair of sweats rode low on his lean hips. His dark hair was
loose, flowing down his bare back. Damn he was sexy.
    Luken smiled at Julie as he addressed Jasmine. “There should
be a new patrol schedule put out, be sure to check it. We’re on high alert
until further notice.”
    “I better get going.” Jasmine stood up. “It was nice to meet
you, Julie.”
    Julie stood. “You too.” She watched as Jasmine walked toward
Luken. His hand reached up and he stroked her hair as she sauntered past him
and walked out the door. Julie tried to focus on what Jasmine had said about
Luken being like her brother, but damn if that hadn’t seemed like a caress of
sorts. Maybe Luken didn’t think of her the same

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