When Lust Rules

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Book: When Lust Rules by Virginia Cavanaugh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Cavanaugh
    He closed the door and then crossed the room. Julie didn’t
have any warning before he had her in his arms, face buried in her neck. Her
body came alive at the contact and she relaxed into him. He may have caressed
Jasmine’s hair, but this was a way different sort of welcome he had reserved
for her. Her nipples hardened and she grew slick with need.
    “I wish I could go back and kill all of them for hurting
you. How bad are your injuries?”
    “Not bad. Mainly just the cut on my head. But you know how
head injuries are. They bleed like crazy no matter how bad they are. I think I
picked off all the glass on the walk to your home.”
    “I’m glad you’re okay. I still want to go back and kill
    The words were spoken in a low growl that rumbled through
his chest and sent hot breath against the sensitive skin on her neck. His
fingers dug more harshly into her body. Was this a glimpse into that possessiveness
Jasmine had spoken of? His hold didn’t hurt, but it wouldn’t allow for her to
pull away either. Nor did she want to. She laced her fingers into his hair and
was rewarded with another low growl and the scrape of his teeth on her neck.
She shivered.
    His lips traced a path across her jaw and then claimed her
mouth in a searing kiss. Tongue and teeth waged a war of passion as their hands
began to roam over each other’s body. His skin was warm and smooth under her
palms as she ran her hands down his back. He gripped her hair at her nape and
pulled her head back, plunging his tongue deeper into the recesses of her
mouth. His cock pushed against her lower belly, its length hard and thick. Her
pussy tingled as wetness coated her labia.
    His body began to shake and he released her lips. “I need.”
    The words were filled with raw hunger. “Yes,” she whispered.
    “Can’t be gentle.” He kissed her thoroughly, pulling back on
a gasp. “Don’t want to hurt you.”
    She cupped his face in her hands and met his gaze. His eyes
shimmered, turning a lighter shade then back to the chocolate brown she was
accustomed to. “You won’t.” Then she leaned forward and took possession of his
    His hands cupped her breasts. She moaned into his mouth as
he started a wonderful torture to her nipples. He pinched and tugged, but his
rough touch didn’t offend. Instead it stoked the fire burning inside her. A
deep throbbing started in her core as she heard the material of her dress rend
from neck to hem. He hadn’t bothered with the buttons, his haste to feel her
bare flesh apparent.
    His hands gripped her ass with a tight squeeze and she
didn’t protest as he lifted her. Her ankles locked around his lower back as he
walked them across the room. The unyielding wall was cool against the
passion-flushed skin on her back.
    Luken nipped at her lower lip as he slid a hand down between
them, reaching to touch her where she burned. “Damn if you aren’t ready for me.
Your hot little pussy is so wet.”
    She moaned, moving her hips against his seeking fingers. A gasp
tore from her lips as he pushed two inside her channel, her inner muscles
spasming around his digits as they moved against her G-spot. She bucked against
him, wanting more, and whimpered as he withdrew.
    “Luken, please.”
    His hand moved as he released his cock from his pants.
“Please what, Julie?” he whispered against her lips.
    She panted, wiggling her hips against his erection. “I need
    His teeth and tongue skated across her lower lip. “Tell me
what you need, Julie. I want to hear you say it.”
    She moaned. “I need you inside me.”
    “You need me to fuck you. Say it.”
    Her teeth sank into his lower lip and she pulled back
slowly. He growled. Her pussy creamed. “I need you to fuck me.”
    His mouth crashed down on hers in a bruising kiss as he
lifted her hips then slid her down on his cock. She moaned as he set a brisk
pace, hammering his hips against hers. He fucked her deep and hard. During each
driving thrust of his

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