When Lust Rules

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Book: When Lust Rules by Virginia Cavanaugh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Virginia Cavanaugh
cock she cried out, the sounds he swallowed down as he
continued kissing her. The slight pain of the roughness of his movements mixed
with the intense pleasure he created in her. The mixture was something she’d
never known before. A new level of rough and wild sex, and damn if it didn’t
hurt so good. Her nails dug into his back as she held on tight. His movements
became near frantic and he released her mouth.
    Erratic breaths erupted from her chest as the first waves of
climax shook her. She screamed as her pussy fisted him. His hips continued to
piston against her as he let loose a roar. Her sex became slick with her cum
and it rolled across her anus. The orgasm rocked her and her muscles quaked as
he wrung out every pulsating throb her pussy had to offer.
    She fisted her hands in his hair, clinging to him as she was
overcome by ecstasy. Her cunt became super-sensitive, tingling and throbbing
like never before. One orgasm flowed into the next, and her throat burned as
she gave voice to the wonderful things he was doing to her body.
    Then his body tightened and he growled low. Warm jets of cum
washed through her and she whimpered as she let the contractions of his cock
draw out her last orgasm.

Chapter Eight
    “Wonderful,” Arik said as his limo sped down the road.
    Ivan glared at his boss. Julie had been within reach. He’d
thought long and hard about their reunion. He’d understood why she hadn’t come
to the prison. He didn’t want his woman around the scum in that place anyway.
But when he was released on lack of evidence he’d found it hard to believe all
the information Arik had disclosed about his beautiful Julie. Then he saw her
with that man—animal. Whatever the fuck he was. Had she let him touch her? Of
course she had, and she would pay for her sins. “What the hell do you think is
so damn wonderful about losing five men? And the others are scared shitless.
And I still don’t have my wife back.”
    Arik laughed. “People die in our world, Ivan. They should
have fought better and they wouldn’t be dead. But think of it. The power. I’ll
create an army.”
    “The wolf refused you, remember?”
    Arik waved Ivan’s words away. “Apparently you’re not
thinking straight because your pretty piece of ass has moved on. Get over it.
I’ll find you a new piece of ass, maybe two or three if it suits you. But right
now I need you to focus.”
    Ivan’s blood boiled as Arik spoke. But he wasn’t stupid. If
he said anything right now, Arik would have him shot and tossed in a
heartbeat—blood kin or not—and then he would never have the chance to give
Julie her just deserts. He’d bide his time and wait. Regardless of how long it
took, he would get his hands on Julie. “Consider me focused, cousin.”
    “Do you remember when Tommy did time on those attempted
murder charges? He had that crazy cellmate, remember?”
    Ivan thought back to that time four years ago and vaguely
remembered Tommy talking about his looney cellmate. “What about him?”
    “He was in there for triple murder. It was in the paper.”
    The light bulb came on. “Oh yeah, he was found in the Morgan
Monroe State Forest. Said he’d been attacked by werewolves, but all they found
were the nude bodies of two females and a male. Holy shit, he was telling the
    Arik laughed. “That means if we find that pack of wolves in
Morgan Monroe then we have ourselves a way to be turned. We’re about to step
into greatness, Ivan.”
    Ivan sat back smiling. This was good news. If he had any
wish of penetrating those wolves’ defenses then he had to be on equal ground.
What would his mom say about his becoming a werewolf? Ivan laughed, a cold
sound even to his own ears. Who gave a shit what the dead bitch thought?
    * * * * *
    Julie leaned against Luken’s chest as they relaxed in the
tub in his dimly lit bathroom. The hot water and pulsating jets soothed her
aching muscles. “This is nice.”
    He kissed her ear as he slid a sudsy

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