Werecat Avenue
hair pulled
back revealing her perfect, beautiful face.
    “ My Queen. Once again I am
in awe of your beauty,” Adrian replied dryly.
    “ I can sense a shift. What
is going on with the fugitive?”
    “ I am close to locating
    “ You are hiding something,
tell me.” Maryebella demanded.
    “ The King was in an
accident. Queen Brianna is at his side tending to him, he has lost
all his memory.”
    “ Does this change anything
in regards to the fugitive?” Maryebella asked.
    “ No, I will find her one
way or another.”
    “ Good, make quick work of
locating her, I am losing patience.”
    “ Good tidings, Adrian.” The
Queen said as the glass started fogging up.
    “ Good tidings my Queen.”
Adrian grumbled.

Chapter 17
    Cam woke up early despite the late night she
had. It wasn’t a very restful sleep at all. All she could do was to
dream about The Queen capturing her and executing her or the King
forcing her to run away with him. As Cam sat at the kitchen table
drinking an orange juice, she decided to take it back to her room
and try to get some sleep. On her way she practically smacked right
into Richard who had just came out of the bathroom.
    Shit, that much sexiness should be
    Richard was only dressed in pajama bottoms
and no shirt, Cam felt very embarrassed by the way she acted last
    It seems like I’m always throwing myself at
him, what is wrong with me?
    “ Oh Richard, sorry I was
just heading to my room.”
    “ Me too, um
    “ Bye.”
    She hurriedly entered her room and shut the
door. She set her orange juice on the table next to her bed and
took off her robe; she was naked underneath. It felt good to just
be naked sometimes. She collapsed on her bed and closed her eyes,
trying to sleep, when she heard a scratch at the door. She got up
not even bothering to put her robe back on and cracked open the
door. There on the other side sat Monroe; she opened the door a
little wider letting him inside before shutting it again. She stood
with her arms crossed defiantly as he transformed back to human
    “ How’s my beautiful
girlfriend?” He asked jokingly.
    “ I’m not your girlfriend,
the deals off.” His expression changed from a joking one to serious
    “ What has happened to put
your panties in a twist?”
    “ The Fae that you wanted
Gretchen to go out with is the Fae enforcer. I very well might go
back to prison or the King might make me run away with him. I don’t
know. One thing I do know is the deal is off, so scram.”
    “ My dear you need me now
more than ever. You are just as important to me as Gretchen right
    “ You are full of shit; I
don’t believe a thing you say.”
    “ You are the only way I
have to influence Gretchen; to her I’m only a cat. You are her
girlfriend; she trusts and listens to you. Help me and I will owe
you. I can call off the enforcer.”
    “ You lie; you cannot do
such a thing.”
    “ Gretchen's grandfather is
    Cam's eyes bugged out of her head, she
looked at Monroe for a moment trying to consider if he was being
truthful or trying to put something over on her.
    “ Are you trying to tell me
the Lachlan, the punisher, is sweet Gretchen's Grandfather? Cam
shuddered at the thought. The mere mention of his name gave her and
every other Fae nightmares. Lachlan had been advisor to the royal
family as far back as she could remember. Sometimes instead of
imprisonment offenders would be turned over to Lachlan for his
special torture sessions lasting one day to infinity.
    “ Yes he is, he's keeping an
eye on things until he knows if Gretchen and Richard are Fae enough
to claim.”
    “ Fine, I will take you up
on your offer. I want my sentence revoked and I will help you keep
an eye on Gretchen and keep her away from the vampire.”
    “ I need a Fae portal, a
private one.”
    Cam smirked. Like a Fae wouldn’t have a
portal? She opened her closet to reveal a long door-shaped glass
with a pink tint and colorful

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