Werecat Avenue
baby.” Cam sobbed. Richard still held on to
Cam wanting nothing more than to comfort her.
    “ Nobody will take you; I
will protect you until I breathe my last breath.” Richard said
seriously. Cam reached up and stroked Richard’s face as she smiled,
feeling safe and protected with him. “I will talk with the
Enforcer, I refuse to continue running. I don’t have it in me to do
it anymore.
    “ Richard, will you be
there?” Cam asked hopefully.
    “ Of course beautiful, I’m
not going anywhere.”
    “ Okay. I think it’s time we
all just went to bed, it’s the middle of the night.” Gretchen said
trying to break the tension in the air. Gretchen gave Cam a hug and
dragged Richard out of the room. Richard didn’t go easily, but he
knew Gretchen wasn’t happy with him. They walked out to the living
room and settled on the couch.
    “ Ok, spill it big brother,
what is going on?”
    “ She’s mine, that’s all
there is to it.”
    “ And how does she feel
about you?” Gretchen asked skeptically.
    “ We kissed, and then she
threw me out of her room, but damn what a kiss.”
    Gretchen smacked Richard upside the head out
of frustration. “Richard you need to back off, she isn’t a Werecat,
she won’t respond to your forcefulness.”
    “ I know it was stupid, I
promise I’m not going to push it. I will give her as much time as
she needs. I just can’t let anyone take her away from
    “ I don’t know Adrian very
well but I trust him, it will all work out.” Gretchen gave Richard
a quick peck on the cheek and left him.
    “ Be good.” Gretchen said.
She returned to her room exhausted. As she settled into her bed her
phone rang. She grumbled as she answered the phone.
    “ Hello,” she
    “ Is this your normal phone
etiquette?” A familiar voice replied
    “ Tanek, I’m sorry, it’s
been a trying night.”
    “ Want to tell me about it?”
he asked in a soothing voice.
    “ No I just want to get some
sleep and forget all about it for a while.”
    “ I am calling to ask if you
would like to join me tomorrow night for dinner.”
    Oh shit! “Actually, I have plans. I don’t know how to say
this but I have a date tomorrow night,” Gretchen said
    “ I see. I have business to
take care of. Good night.” Tanek said as he quickly hung up the
    That didn’t go too
well. Gretchen put her phone away too
tired to put on any pajamas; she stripped off her clothes deciding
just to sleep in her t-shirt. As soon as her head hit the pillow
sleep claimed her.
    Adrian was sound asleep and woke to a
pounding at his door. He was very irritated; it seemed someone was
always waking him up out of a dead sleep. He answered the door to
find Kieran. The King pushed his way through the door past
    “ Come in.” murmured Adrian.
Kieran sat down in the living room placing his feet up on the
coffee table.
    “ It’s done. My brother is
at the hospital. The Queen most likely is at his side annoying the
hell out of him.” Kieran said with excitement in his voice. “I am
finally rid of that dreadful woman.”
    “ I glad to hear it, sounds
like everything is going smoothly.”
    “ Now we must complete the
last piece of the puzzle; my love Cam. I want her
    “ I have a good lead. I’m
checking it out tonight; I will contact you later.”
    “ Don’t disappoint me
Adrian.” Kieran abruptly jumped up from his seat. “I will be
waiting for your call.”
    “ It will be done.” Adrian
replied dryly. Kieran left, shutting the door behind him. Adrian
sat back down on the couch. It was early but he doubted he would be
able to fall back asleep. He couldn’t stop thinking about Gretchen;
he had fallen asleep only to dream about her. He walked to the
kitchen and grabbed a quick cup of coffee. He sat back down in the
living room to the portal activating.
    Oh fuck me, now what?
    Queen Maryebella appeared smiling at Adrian.
She was dressed in a red silk robe with her silky black

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