The Endless Road: A Biker Erotic Romance (Black Death MC)

The Endless Road: A Biker Erotic Romance (Black Death MC) by A. L. Summers

Book: The Endless Road: A Biker Erotic Romance (Black Death MC) by A. L. Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. L. Summers
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    Logan Black opened one eye cautiously.  Nothing.  He opened the other.  Still nothing.  Frustrated, he threw the pillow he had been holding.  He heard it hit the table and tip over something made of glass.  As it shattered, he felt a vague sense of satisfaction.  He was broken, and he wanted someone else to be broken with him.
    He would learn to depend on his other senses, the doctors had told him.  A lack of eyesight usually resulted in better hearing or a better sense of touch.  He couldn’t tell any difference in either of those, so personally he thought it was a crock of shit that they said to make blind people feel better about themselves.
    He listened to the sounds of the hospital around him.  He heard the beeping and whirring of machines, and the muted talking of the staff and visitors.  He couldn’t hear Paulina, his wife, but he knew that she was there.  She never left.
    Thoughts of her were never far from his mind, and with his new loss of sight he forced himself to picture her in ever finite detail. He wanted never to forget her beautiful face, the little dimples when she smiled, the auburn hair that glowed red in the sunlight.  He imagined she would look tired now after spending so much time worrying about and taking care of him.
    It had been almost a month since she was kidnapped.  He had done everything to protect his new wife, and hadn’t seen it coming.  She had left for a work trip and been attacked and taken from the office.  Terrorized for not telling the location of his secret files, she had endured more than he could possibly imagine and he was eternally grateful to her.  The files he could live without.  He would gladly give up his work, his power over the city, anything for her.  Living in a world without her would be blacker than his vision.
    He heard the door open and close softly.  He was learning to tell the difference between people.  For example, he could tell this was the doctor by the way his shoes clicked on the floor, and the metallic click of his stethoscope hitting his name tag.
    “Hey, Doc.  Long time no see.”  He winced at the pun.
    “How are you doing, Logan?  Any improvements?  Symptoms?”  Dr. McDonald scratched something onto some kind of notepad that he always carried with him.
    “Not really.  I thought I saw something wave across my face but I think it was just wishful thinking.  Everything else seems fine.”
    He felt cold hands touching around his face and he flinched.
    “Sorry.  And what about the pain?”  Ah.  The pain.  The pain that never left his side, never gave him a moment’s rest.
    “Pain I can handle.  Not seeing?  That’s a whole other story.  If I can’t see, I can’t work.  I can’t provide for my family,” he trailed off hoarsely.  He tilted his head in the direction he assumed Lina was.  “I can’t even have a family.  I’m not going to be a burden, and I certainly can’t help anyone the way I am now.”
    “I know, Logan, but you have to understand.  This is a process; uncharted territory really.  We have no idea what caused this.  We hope that if and when you get your sight back, it will all just be a distant memory,” Dr. McDonald answered.
    He thought back to that day with Lina, tied to the chair, and him rushing into the room to save her.  He had seen the glint of a knife but much too late to do anything about it.  The kidnapper had sprung a surprise attack and, from what he had heard, he was the only victim.  The knife had done enough damage for him to lose his sight, and cause severe debilitating pain to radiate through his head on an hourly basis.
    He remembered his life a year ago.  He had regrets, but knew that if the choice were to present itself again, he would choose the same path he was on now.  Well, maybe he wouldn’t have run into that room like a crazy person, but he would do nothing differently if

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