We Are the Cops

We Are the Cops by Michael Matthews

Book: We Are the Cops by Michael Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Matthews
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don’t know why, minimise our size or whatever the case may be. I don’t do it anymore, I hide behind the shield instead. But back then I called tactical and I’ve already started to go down on my knee and then all of a sudden, POP-POP-POP! Dude starts fucking lighting us up from the inside of the house and I feel this thing on my groin flap – the flap that hangs down from my bullet proof vest – you know what I mean? Didn’t think nothing of it at the time though.
    Hear one of my guys say, ‘I’M HIT! I’M DOWN!’
    He drops. The other guys start effecting an ‘officer-down’ rescue on him. Didn’t even know it at the time but another officer then got hit in the thigh and also went down. Another guy picked him up and took him out. So me and my ATL are about the only ones left there and I honestly think, ‘This fucking guy’s crazy.He’s going to come out and shoot us all.’ So we roll over to the garage and we’re sitting there, my ATL and I, waiting this fucking guy out, sweating beads. He’s crazy, he’s shooting at us even though he knows who we are because we’re yellin’ ‘POLICE!’ Doing everything we can to identify ourselves.
    I say to my ATL, ‘I think I took one in the nuts, dude. It just bounced off my flap though.’
    Later he told me, ‘Dude, you were white as a ghost.’ I don’t know that I’ve been shot but my body does.
    So I’m sitting there and we’re looking and the dude doesn’t come out. So we get back to the van. One of our guys is back there. He ended up taking one through his thumb and into his thigh rig, where we carry spare magazines. It hit one of his magazines and goes in. He also took one to the chest but his vest stopped it and the doctors were working on him – we have Tac-Docs. The medic from our search and rescue team is there as well and we also have tactical physicians that work with our teams.
    As they’re working on him I could feel moisture dripping down my leg. So I go to one of my guys and pick my flap up and say, ‘Dude, am I bleeding?’
    He looks at me and his eyes get big, you know? And he’s like, ‘Oh yes! Sergeant, you’re bleeding!’
    I go, ‘Ah, motherfucker!’
    One of my biggest fears is a femoral artery bleed. So I go, ‘Doc, when you get done over there, come check me, make sure it’s not a femoral bleed.’
    Well, the doc comes over and finally I go, ‘I think I’ve beenhit. I think I’m bleeding.’
    He says, ‘Let me cut your pants off and see.’
    So, he comes out with this fucking knife and I go, ‘Whoa! Whoa! Doc, hold on.’ I reach into my pants, cup my balls and say, ‘Okay, cut away.’
    He cuts the pants off and says, ‘Oh yeah, but it’s not the femoral because it would have been squirting if it were.’
    So we’re sitting there and the ambulance comes around and they load the guys up and one of the other officers comes over and says, ‘Hey, you need to go to hospital.’
    I go, ‘Dude, no. I’m cool. I’m all right. The Ambulance is full. I’m good.’
    He’s like, ‘No, you need to go to the hospital. Doc, tell him!’
    And the doc goes, ‘Oh yeah. You need to go to the hospital.’
    So I go, ‘Really doc? I’m all right. I feel okay. I’m good to go.’
    But he says, ‘No, you need to go to the hospital.’
    So I call out, ‘ATL, you’re in fucking charge. I’m out of here.’
    They stacked the three of us up like wood, in the ambulance and fucking rolled us out of there and down to the hospital. At the hospital we’re all laughing and joking at each other and making fun of one of the guys for being fat and all this kind of shit.
    But I’m stressed about my guys going down – that’s my concern. I’m calling their wives, making sure they don’t hear about it some other way.
    I’m saying, ‘Hey, your husband’s been shot but he’s okay.’
    You know, ‘blah, blah, blah’. And all of a sudden my phone beeps and it’s my wife calling me. And she goes, ‘Hey, are you okay?’
    And I

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