Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE...

Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE... by K. Harris

Book: Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE... by K. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Harris
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    “Good luck with that.”
    “What does that mean?”
    “You will find out soon enough dear.” He turned to walk away.
    “Where are you going?”
    “To finish unpacking my clothes.”
    “You’re not staying here.”
    “Says who?” He questioned with his hands in his pockets. “According to the law, I have every right to be here. I haven’t threatened you in any way.”
    “Still nothing. And why are you in the guest room?”
    “I don’t want to be in anything that reminds me of you.”
    “Then why don’t you leave?”
    “Maybe I will.”
    “Yeah right. You have prided yourself on never needing your parents or anyone else for anything. If I wasn’t your husband you wouldn’t have allowed me to take charge of so much.”
    “Take all the time you need. I will be here when you are ready to act like a wife instead of a pouting child.” With that said he walked away, disappearing into the master bedroom.
    Frustrated beyond measure, Danni went back to the guest bath. So mad that she let him get to her. Disturbing her happy mood she was just in. All hope of calmly leaving this marriage went out of the window with a vengeance. Lamont seemed hell bent on driving her mad. Why did he even come back? Yes, technically this still was his home as well. Maybe he really did love her like he claimed. Hell no, there was no way someone could love a person but still dog them out. She was letting some of the things he said cloud her judgment. The love she had for him was still trying to weaken her determination to end her marriage. He was dishonest, there is no taking that back. Plus he made no promises of stopping his nasty behavior. That was unforgettable. She would be no man’s fool. So deep in her thoughts she didn’t realize that she wasn’t alone until it was too late.
    “Shit! Lamont, what are you doing?” She exclaimed. He had crept up behind her wrapping his arms around her body securing her arms against her. The speed that he moved refrained her from turning around or getting her hands free from his grasp. Taking several steps to try to free herself from his grip only caused him to use a portion of his body weight to keep her against the shower wall.
    “I’m getting what’s rightfully mine. What does it look like?” He asked seductively against her ear. While doing what he used to do to get her in the mood. Which normally didn’t take much. This time she didn’t want her body to heat up at his touch. His forwardness was turning her on as he bit and sucked her sensitive skin.
    “No. Stop. I am no longer yours.” She forced out trying to regain some of her composure. Conjuring up the anger that she felt for him.
    “You will always be mine. Your breasts…” He groped her breasts in his hands. Her nipples were hard as pebbles. He was remarkably strong holding her with just one hand as the other explored her body. Now she hated she didn’t lock the door when coming in. “Especially this… It’s all mine. I’m the first. And I will be the last.” He said sliding a digit between her folds causing her to shutter from the touch. It had been so long since he had caressed her body that she had missed the attention terribly.
    “I don’t want this. I don’t want you.” She tried so very hard to shake the dulling of senses. But damn he was doing a good job.
    “That’s not what your body says. Your slick for me. ME.” He growled lowly in her ear. This was the Lamont she craved. The one she once knew but that was probably the same Lamont that was spreading his skill with so many other women.
    “If you would stop.”
    “If I would stop what?” He paused to let her speak but he had dipped a finger into her pulsating center driving her close to an orgasm. “Stop this? But you’re so close. I can feel your walls tightening.” He was trying to make her forget about their issues and sadly it was working.
    ‘Come on Danni, don’t forget. Don’t forget. He is a

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