Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE...

Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE... by K. Harris Page A

Book: Vows of Deception: Something old, new, borrowed, and BLUE... by K. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Harris
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low-life. Tell him to fuck off.’ She kept chanting to herself between whimpers of the sweet torture. The sweetest feel that a woman could feel as she was on her way to a heavenly release but it was bittersweet. This was the man that was just doing this same thing to another probably before he came to her. All the while he had been talking but she wasn’t paying any attention until he said something that killed her vibe.
    “I was thinking that maybe we should start working on the baby you so desperately want. What do you say?” His words were like a double edged sword. It killed any haze she was in and stabbing his efforts.
    “I say, get your FUCKING. HANDS. OFF. OF. ME.” She annunciated each word.
    “What?” He stopped all movement lightening his hold on her wrists as well.
    “GET. OUT!” Danni shouted now in tears. “Get away from me. If you don’t leave, I will call the police and scream rape. I mean it.”
    “Rape? That’s bullshit, you were into it. Plus you are my wife.”
    “I also told you to stop. I don’t want anything to do with you. How dare you try to bribe me with a baby? That was a true low blow.”
    “Danielle… You are being unreasonable.”
    “I don’t know where you lips, dick, or any other part of your body has been. Go waste your semen on one of your whores. I don’t want your diseases.” Danni stopped speaking to breath. She was developing a migraine. “Get. Out. Please.” Lamont stormed out like he was angry with the world, grabbing his clothes in the process.
    Danni felt damn near defeated. She almost let her hormones think for her again. The same as she did when she gave into him in the beginning. That was pretty much how it happened when she lost her virginity to him. Thank the heavens she had matured a little. Obviously not completely because she allowed him to get too close. The tears she shed now were a mix of angry, discouraged, and grateful tears. What was she going to do? How was she going to live under the same roof with his arrogant ass? Would there be other times when he would try to prey on her weaknesses? For her sanity she hoped not.
    The weekend went by with them having minimal interaction. If she saw him coming, she would just try her best to ignore him or go in the other direction. He demanded a key or he would call the police to force her to give him one. She had no choice but to relent. One thing she did do was have a deadbolt put on her bedroom door while he was away doing God knows what. With God’s knows who. She felt safer while she slept now or taking a shower. There was no way she wanted him to get the idea that he could creep up on her in her weakest moments. She was horny, mainly because sex had become a part of her life. The body has withdrawals after a while. Especially with sex being a big part of just about everything on television or in books. Only if she was as free as her whorish husband.
    “Good morning. I’m Regina Jones.” A beautiful brown skin woman greeted Danni with a handshake.
    “Hello Mrs. Jones. Danielle Hunter.” Danni said nervously. “Of course you already knew that.” She rambled.
    “No need to be nervous. This will be simple just relax.”
    “Easier said than done, I’m afraid.”
    “Would you like something to drink? Water? Coffee? Tea? Bourbon?” She said the last as a joke that successfully broke the ice.
    “Water is fine. Although after the weekend I have had, bourbon sounds better.”
    “So tell me what’s going on? Why are you seeking a divorce?”
    “My husband has been unfaithful. That is a deal breaker.”
    “Is it speculation or do you have proof that he was unfaithful?”
    “I was sent an anonymous video showcasing his rump with a co-worker during our anniversary party.”
    “That would be proof.” She said sarcastically. “Did you confront him on said video?”
    “He admitted to being unfaithful. Saying it was a man thing. That was all without me confessing about having seen the

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