Casey's Secrets (Full Trilogy)

Casey's Secrets (Full Trilogy) by Ophelia Bell

Book: Casey's Secrets (Full Trilogy) by Ophelia Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ophelia Bell
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    I scowled defensively. “I know what I like! And I’m figuring out I like a lot more than I thought, too.”
    He took a slow swig of his beer, his eyes narrowing while he regarded me thoughtfully. Finally, he said, “We’re definitely open minded guys. You have to be to do the things we do, but we know what we like, too.”
    “Tying girls up, but not … touching each other?”
    Rick tensed. “Tying women up,” he corrected. “You may be a tad young, but you’re an adult. Old enough to make the decision to do what you want, at least. Age isn’t usually an issue, as long as a woman is over the age of consent. We’ve never had a sub as young as you, but we’ve had older women. What Max did with you the other night was probably poor judgment on his part, I won’t deny it. And if I’d been there it wouldn’t have happened that way. We don’t go into a scenario with heightened emotions. The way he started with you was backwards, but I believe we did the right thing by not letting you try to figure it out on your own.”
    “I’m glad you stood up for me then. Thank you,” I said, very conscious that he’d evaded the other half of my question with his little lecture. “But what if I want more than to be tied up and spanked? What if I want to watch you two do things?”
    Rick shifted forward to prop his elbows on his knees and turned his head to look at me. “Everyone’s desires and limits factor in, in one way or another. We always outline our limits when we start. Max and I have a few hard limits, and you should, too.”
    “So, touching each other is a hard limit?”
    Rick’s face turned bright red and he chugged the rest of his beer. “Not exactly,” he said, his voice cracking comically. “Jesus, Casey, is that something you really want?” He stared at me, his eyes wide with a strange mix of excitement and anxiety.
    “I’m not sure. I just know I like looking at you both naked, and I saw a video when I was at Sarah’s house and her parents were out …” I shifted in my seat, embarrassed again to share more details of my curiosity with him, but to hell with it. After the last day why shouldn’t I go for broke? I stared him down. “It was a video of two men, fucking a girl. And they were both, I mean their—ah— hard-ons were both inside her at the same time, and they touched each other in other ways, kissed.”
    Rick’s lips parted, his tongue darting out. He tilted his bottle to his lips again before realizing it was empty. “Porn tends to be unrealistic,” he said off-handedly, then eyed me with interest. “But you liked that? You think you want to try it?”
    I nodded. My pulse hammered in my temples and between my thighs at the very idea of having them both fill me up that way. I already knew Rick had plans for my ass, and I wanted that, too, but this was something I’d fantasized about repeatedly since I’d seen it.
    He cleared his throat. “So, now that I have a good idea of what you’re interested in, I can try to make it happen. No promises.” He gave me a stern look. “Now we need to make sure we know exactly what you don’t want to do. Anything and everything that comes to mind is worth mentioning.”
    He proceeded to run down a list of some of his own hard limits, many of which made me grimace and shake my head vigorously, agreeing that those were obviously hard limits for me, too.
    “People like to be peed on ? And strangled ?”
    Rick nodded sagely. “We are nothing if not a fickle race of creatures. But you can feel free to try anything and rule it out as we go, except for those things Max and I won’t do. If you really need something like that, then we’ll have to talk about it first.”

Casey’s Surrender: Chapter 4
    T he conversation cheered me up drastically with the suggestion that there might be more to come, especially that he didn’t consider my little fantasy a hard limit. But the lull we hit made me remember that we still hadn’t heard from Max

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