Vacation Hell: Princess of Hell #4

Vacation Hell: Princess of Hell #4 by Eve Langlais Page B

Book: Vacation Hell: Princess of Hell #4 by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
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I’d never been happier. With sinning came pleasure. “And I said you needed some help decorating. You know, a pile of bones in the corner, maybe a few tribal-looking carvings. It’s all about setting the right ambiance.”
    “Why would I set an ambiance that implies extreme violence and cannibalism?”
    I fluttered my lashes. “Well, aren’t you going to eat me?”

Chapter Eleven
    E at her ? His first impulse was to say hell yeah. Instead, all Tristan could manage was a choked, “Excuse me?”
    It proved fascinating to watch Muriel getting annoyed. Her dark brows drew together, her lips pursed, her eyes flashed with real flames, and smoke, literally, rose from her skin.
    He’d never seen a more attractive woman. I want her, and not just because she has two legs and a breast.
    Contrary to what he’d told her, Tristan didn’t lack for eligible female companions—and even some married ones. Yet none seemed to engage him on any kind of level. None of them made him fight an urge to drag the woman in front of him close. To kiss her, for real this time. Although she wasn’t wrong about his taking advantage of her. In his defense, he’d started out giving CPR, but when her soft breath rushed into him and her palms flattened on his chest, it turned into something different. Something hot, much like the embrace he’d shared with her on the beach.
    “I told you I hate manners.” She purred the words and took a step closer to him. Heat rolled off her skin. His cold skin warmed. He clenched his fists at his sides. She stood so close. Close enough that he could grab her.
    But he wouldn’t. I don’t understand or particularly enjoy this strange pull she has on me.
    Was it a spell? He needed to fight it. “I don’t give a damn what you hate.”
    Her lips quirked. “So you’re not entirely goody-two-shoes.”
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    “You cussed.”
    “I do that all the time. Big deal.”
    “It’s the little sins that matter. But anyhow”—she waved a hand—“where are we, and how did we get here?”
    “Here is one of the traveller spots that dot the path to the city. It’s useful for those who need a break or to breathe. As to how you got here, I was organizing the fishing fleets—”
    “I thought those were called schools.”
    A snort left him. “Only until they graduate. Anyhow, one minute I was giving last-minute marching orders, and the next I was sucked into some kind of mini vortex and spat out beside you. Since you were about to drown, and this cave was closer than the surface, I brought you here. A decision I admit to regretting.”
    He couldn’t help a shiver as she ran the tip of her finger down his chest, stopping at a spot low on his belly.
    “Don’t lie to me. I am the devil’s daughter, and I see right through you. The only regret you have is not doing this.” She yanked him to her, and taken off-guard, he didn’t react. Then again, would he truly have stopped her?
    She commanded a kiss from him, and he allowed it. Fuck allow. He enjoyed it, the slant of her lips over his pure delight.
    Her waist seemed a natural spot to park his hands. As for drawing her close, the skin-to-skin contact helped ease the tremble in him. It wasn’t cold that shook him, but need.
    How he needed this woman.
    The devil’s daughter.
    The title said it all, trouble with a capital T. Yet, even knowing the drama that followed her, the exploits of her life, broadcasted for all to see on HBC, he still wanted her.
    I have to have her. Such a primal emotion. It made a man want to forget his responsibilities, but a strong man never did that.
    He tore his lips from hers. “I don’t have time for this. I am needed back at the palace.”
    Once again, her eyes flashed with ire. “Are you ditching me again?”
    “You are welcome to come with me, but we must leave now.”
    “No, thanks. I’ve also got better things to do, such as go home. Right now. I need to wash the stench of fish off me.” She

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