Vacation Hell: Princess of Hell #4

Vacation Hell: Princess of Hell #4 by Eve Langlais

Book: Vacation Hell: Princess of Hell #4 by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
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At least she used to be really nasty. Since she’d hooked up with a demon called Remy, she’d loosened up a bit. Now she sometimes only maimed those who irked her. But she still remained a very competent barrier to the big guy.
    “I thought I was calling Lucifer’s direct number,” Auric said. As Muriel’s consort, he had certain privileges when it came to accessing the Lord of the Underworld.
    “You did call the big guy’s private line. However, my lord has embarked on a most dangerous mission to save Hell from destruction. All hail our mighty leader.”
    It surprised Auric she managed to say it without snickering. “Don’t tell me Lucifer has got you doing the scripted speeches again?”
    “He’s got some communist goof who has been assigned as his special liaison with his newest marketing firm.”
    The devil worked very hard to maintain his reputation. To the extent of sometimes fabricating crises. “So what supposed dangerous mission has he gone on?” Because other than Muriel’s issue with the beach, things had seemed rather quiet. “This isn’t another quest to discover the truly best tavern with the most buxom wenches again?” The drunken tour had made the news. The PR guys even managed to drag, from somewhere, a few demons and damned souls thanking the devil for changing their lives. Apparently, the best grog served by the most buxom wenches was of vital need to the populace.
    Ysabel snickered. “No, and we also don’t need to fear he’ll drop his pants in public again either. He is, however, wearing a fabulous ensemble. But I won’t spoil that for you. Just watch HBC’s nightly news, and I’m sure they’ll have a video clip.”
    “Where is he?”
    “Sailing the Darkling Sea with Charon and a full crew. They’re trying to make it in time to stop some kind of prophecy from getting fulfilled.”
    “Is this prophecy about a sea monster?”
    While Auric couldn’t see Ysabel, he could imagine her actions by the rustle of fabric as she shifted the phone at her ear.
    “The prophecy doesn’t specify the menace, but my understanding is the mermaids are involved.”
    Mermaids, after a merman supposedly coming after Muriel? Coincidence? They didn’t exist in the pit.
    “Any idea how long he’ll be gone? Can he be contacted?”
    “Do I look like a seer?” Ysabel replied with clear disdain. “As for contact, go ahead, but if you disturb him in the middle of some kind of epic media moment, he might decapitate you. It’s always good for ratings.”
    Lucifer and his quest for omnipotent presence. From the sounds of it, the man was dealing with an aspect of the sea problem occurring. The question was, should Auric join the devil—which even thinking it made him cringe—or did he stay here, guarding Lucinda and hoping Muriel would figure a way out?
    Auric hung up with Ysabel. I wish I knew the right thing to do.
    “We have to stay and wait, of course.” The startling reply came with the slip of a little hand into his.
    “Wait for what, baby girl?”
    “Mommy, silly.”
    “Do you know where Mommy is?”
    “Mommy’s with the fishies.”
    Auric peered down at his daughter, amazed as always at her perfection. It still boggled his mind that there were some who wanted to kill his perfect little girl. But at times like these, when she spouted the oddest things, he could see why she freaked some people out.
    “Damned right she is. In a fishy’s belly.” Teivel never tempered his speech to Lucinda, a fact that drove Auric nuts.
    “Don’t be telling her stuff like that.”
    “Why? It’s true. We all saw it happen.”
    Indeed they had. Auric had a bird’s-eye view when the sea monster dropped Muriel into its maw then dove under the waves.
    But she’s not dead. “She’s out there somewhere.” He knew she was alive. He could feel it through the link that tethered them, and yet, that link did him no good.
    “She’s with my new daddy,” Lucinda stated with utter assurance. “Just like the

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