Vacation Hell: Princess of Hell #4

Vacation Hell: Princess of Hell #4 by Eve Langlais Page A

Book: Vacation Hell: Princess of Hell #4 by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
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prince in my book, he saved her with a kiss.”

Chapter Ten
    T he press of lips against mine might have proven more fun if they weren’t trying to blow air into me.
    I sputtered and flailed my hands against a very bare chest. “What the fuck? Where am I?” Unlike other moments in my life, I remembered quite clearly drowning, yet I obviously wasn’t dead. So how did I go from sinking to the bottom of the Darkling Sea to making out with… “You!”
    My eyes opened and beheld a familiar face. It seemed my call for help had not gone unheard. A certain merman answered it.
    “Yes, it’s me.”
    “What are you doing kissing me?” And why stop now?
    He rolled his eyes, which was kind of freaky because the pupils kind of tossed like a storm-swept sea. “I wasn’t kissing you. It’s called mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.”
    “Since when does it involve tongue?” In his defense, it was my tongue that had gone wandering, but he certainly did nothing to stop it.
    “I saved your life.”
    No, he hadn’t. I’d never agree to that because then I would owe him. Debt was for fools. My dad raised me better.
    I needed to turn the situation around until Tristan owed me. My gift for rational irrationality gave me the perfect attack. “You molested my mouth while I was unconscious. Total no-no, and given you’re such a perv, I have to wonder, what other parts of me did you take advantage of?” And could he do it again so I could properly appreciate it? I was feeling kind of weak at the moment, and I could have used a pick-me-up. That emergency call I’d put out had taken more out of me than expected.
    “I did not molest you.”
    “Not even a teensy tiny bit?” Why not? Did he not like a girl with curves?
    “You are completely insane.”
    “Thank you.” Our family took pride in our uniqueness.
    He stood, and I noted that, once again, someone was naked, buff, and very aroused. Oh my.
    “What’s that?” I pointed at his erection. “Is that part of your CPR technique?” More fuel to toss on the fire—thing was the heat was grabbing at me, too.
    To my amusement, a ruddy color brightened his cheeks. “It’s a normal male bodily reaction to the proximity of an attractive female.”
    “You think I’m hot.” I totally preened at the realization, thrust my chest out, gave my hair a little toss, even wet my lips.
    What I should have done was sack him.
    “I’d think any woman with two legs and at least one breast was hot. I haven’t gotten out much since my dad brought me over from the mortal side in order to train me to take over one day.”
    Any woman would do? I scissored my legs, caught him around the ankles, and, with a heaving body twist, toppled him to the ground.
    He scrambled to his knees, his face a thundercloud of annoyance. “What the fuck was that for?”
    “I am not any woman , and don’t you ever forget it.”
    Piece stated, I sprang to my feet and took a peek around, ignoring him for the moment. I could afford to play that game because I felt the weight of his stare upon me. He couldn’t look away.
    Good. About time he behaved a little more normally.
    I didn’t choose to examine, at this time, why I cared. I certainly didn’t have any intentions toward him. Nope. Not me.
    My location managed to distract me from Tristan for a moment. Where was I?
    At first glance, it appeared like a cavern, a rather smallish one, the entire area surrounded by stone. And I meant entire area.
    Only as I spun around for the third time did I realize there was no entrance leading from this chamber. On the far edge of the roundish space was a pool of water, no wider than ten feet across.
    “Is this an undersea secret cave?” I spun around to face him, hands on my hips.
    “Of a sort.”
    “It could use some serious decorating.”
    “Excuse me?”
    I winced. “Careful with the manners there. As I get older, my tolerance for them lessens.” It should have scared me more that I was turning into my father, yet

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