Unexpected Destiny (Assassins and Sweethearts Book 3)

Unexpected Destiny (Assassins and Sweethearts Book 3) by S.J. Maylee

Book: Unexpected Destiny (Assassins and Sweethearts Book 3) by S.J. Maylee Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.J. Maylee
you hear Clair’s coming to this meeting?” Gavin said without turning from the window.
    “She is?” He’d hoped she wouldn’t need their help again. “I was starting to think we’d never hear from her after last month.”
    “Who’s Clair?” Liz asked.
    “No one you need to concern yourself with, sweetheart,” Gavin said.
    Aidan cleared his throat. Gavin and his perfect timing. Damn it if his big brother wasn’t trying to cause him extra trouble.
    Thankfully, when they arrived, Nadia was waiting for Liz at the bar. He properly introduced them.
    “Ethan is already in the back,” Nadia said.
    “Thanks.” He flagged Terry, the bartender. “Liz is a fellow beer lover. Take care of her.” He rubbed across her upper back as she positioned herself on the stool. The staff, Terry especially, had a particular talent for catching things out of the ordinary. He still didn’t like having her out of his line of sight. “I’ll be in the back room. The staff here knows what to look for. You’ll be safe and I won’t be long.” He said for her benefit and to remind himself. “You okay?”
    “I’ll be fine.”
    He noticed her necklace. “It is beautiful.”
    “I know.” She rubbed the locket between her fingers. “Go ahead. I’ll be right here when you’re done.” Liz leaned on the bar.
    He nodded to Nadia and took a quick pace to their meeting room. The sooner this meeting was over, the sooner he could get Liz out of there. Ethan, Max, and Gavin were sitting at their round table when he entered. His beer of choice waited for him at the last empty seat.
    “Thanks for coming.” Aidan sat and grabbed his beer, taking a quick sip. “I know we weren’t supposed to meet again until next week.”
    “Aidan, if you need us, we’ll be here.” Ethan picked up his glass and tapped Aidan’s bottle.
    “Did you boys start without me?” Clair sauntered into the room. “Thanks for telling me about the meeting, Gavin.” She pulled a chair from the corner to their table.
    “Gavin invited you?” Aidan watched is brother.
    “Sure. Well, I requested the invite since you guys are here talking about my case, right?” She sat down. “You didn’t invite me back after Ethan took care of that nasty madam. But I’m thankful you were all so eager to help again. I figured you’d want to continue working the leads.” Clair nudged her chair forward.
    “Your case?” Aidan moved sideways to avoid her. Gavin still wasn’t looking at him.
    “Sure. The Martins are involved somehow.” She turned to look at Gavin. “You didn’t tell them?”
    Gavin tossed back his whiskey. “If we have to be involved, I think we’re better off knowing as little as possible about your cases.”
    “That’s not your decision to make, Gavin.” Heat licked up Aidan’s back.
    “And you know better than getting involved with clients.” Gavin glared at Aidan.
    “Hold up.” Max’s deep tone cut through the dead silence in the room. “What client, Aidan? Is this the poor wife whose husband is trying to kill her?”
    “She’s the one,” Ethan said.
    “Hey.” Aidan tugged on his ear.
    “Sorry, Nadia can’t stop talking about it.”
    “Finally.” Max picked up his beer. “It’s about time you made a move on someone. Before you get yourself in a snit, I don’t count the subs you’ve played with at Keller’s place since you never play with them twice.” He took a long swig.
    “Whatever. Look, can we get off the playground please?” Aidan rubbed the back of his neck. “Clair, what do you mean the Martins are involved? What does Ethan’s case have to do with Liz and Reese Martin?”
    “It’s a new development. Sorry I didn’t have this information sooner. But this could be good.”
    “Tell us what you know and we’ll be the judge,” Ethan said.
    “Fine. The job from last month came in at the last minute and we’re just now starting to understand it all.”
    “Are the girls starting to talk?” Ethan sat

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