Unexpected Destiny (Assassins and Sweethearts Book 3)

Unexpected Destiny (Assassins and Sweethearts Book 3) by S.J. Maylee Page A

Book: Unexpected Destiny (Assassins and Sweethearts Book 3) by S.J. Maylee Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.J. Maylee
    “Yes.” She took a deep breath. “Thanks again for acting so quickly. A few of the girls are remembering details that have been quite helpful.”
    “Well, I’m glad you came to us. Glad this relationship or, whatever it is, is producing some good.” Ethan swirled the remains of his drink.
    She nodded.
    “How does this involve the Martins?” Aidan’s head felt like it was about to explode if someone didn’t tell him something.
    “I’m getting to it, Romeo.” Clair arched her eyebrow and tapped her fingers on the table. “The Martins have a home in Tuscany. It’s where the girls were headed.”
    “Have the Martins been seen there with the slavers?” Aidan narrowed his eyes. He may not know a lot about Liz but he didn’t see her as a willing participant in human trafficking.
    “It’s their home,” Gavin muttered.
    “You know as well as I do second homes can be stolen and the owners know nothing about it.” Aidan put down his bottle before he threw it across the room.
    “You don’t even know this girl.” Gavin closed his eyes. “For all you know, she’s in the middle of a turf war with her husband.”
    “She has no idea her husband has been using her vacation home for human trafficking.” Aidan put his hands flat on the table.
    “And you know this how? Because she likes riding your cock?” Gavin sat back. “Tell us, what did she take from her apartment?” Gavin waited only a heartbeat. “She grabbed cash and her passport, right?” He shook his head. “Once you’ve saved her from whoever wants her out of the picture, she’ll make her escape and leave you behind. Tell me it’s not a possibility?”
    All eyes turned on Aidan.
    “Just think about it, brother. Slavers turn on each other all the time. She probably tried to have her husband killed last year, so she didn’t have to split the profits.”
    Clair sat forward, blocking his path to Gavin. “What we suspect is Ethan taking out their U.S. contact last month sparked this recent challenge for power. It’s weird though because it’s usually when these organizations go underground but it’s also when things can change quickly.”
    Aidan picked at the label on his beer. None of this was sitting right. Liz couldn’t be a slaver. Not his Liz. He rubbed the loose bit of label on the bottle back and forth and wracked his brain for the missing pieces. She’d been planning to sell the villa. It would certainly be motive to take her out. “Maybe they would have gone into hiding, but something else changed. You said it yourself. You really don’t know what’s going on.”
    “True. Well, we’ve confirmed the second contract on Elizabeth Martin’s life was contracted two nights ago by Viktor Kotov. He’s the man running their home in Italy. He’s the name that keeps coming up in my investigations. Taking Viktor out would be a huge victory.” Clair tucked her hair behind her ear.
    Shit. If he was asking them to reconsider things, he’d have to do the same. She had taken her passport. Was this all a play for her to exit unscathed? These slavers were ruthless and cunning. He rolled his shoulders and tilted his head. But she was sending her friend there for her honeymoon. He picked up his beer and gulped the rest of it down. Maybe the appearance of innocence was all she needed. He could hear the suspect now. Why would I offer the place to my girlfriend and her new husband if I knew what was going on there? If she had tried to take out her husband last year, it would explain why he’s trying to take her out now.
    No, it didn’t sit right. There had to be another explanation. He scratched where his collar irritated his neck. “My guy seems to think the contract I have was bought by Reese Martin.” He looked directly at Clair. “Have you confirmed he’s alive?”
    “We haven’t seen him yet, but I find it highly suspect that he’s dead. It’s quite common for these traffickers to fake their own death to get out of the

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