UFOs in Reality

UFOs in Reality by T.R. Dutton

Book: UFOs in Reality by T.R. Dutton Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.R. Dutton
myself talking with Graham Bethune. After my introduction, he answered my first enquiry about his wellbeing by telling me he was confined to bed. When I expressed a hope that it was nothing too serious, he brushed my concern aside by saying that the medics these days make a ‘big deal’ of a broken toe-nail – and then kindly proceeded to answer my questions. When I told him I suspected he had encountered an underwater base , he surprised me by saying, “Yes, it was”. He had no doubt about the presence on this Earth and in our skies of extraterrestrials. He referred me to the extensive account he had given to Michael Hesemann, which had been reproduced in Hesemann’s book. [11]
    With that, I decided not to prolong the conversation with a sick man, thanked him and wished him a speedy recovery. (Regretfully, a few months later, I saw it announced that Commander Graham Bethune had died. I felt very privileged to have been able to talk with him before he departed from this world.)
    Using the new information, I set about analysing the elements of the C-54’s encounter. First, I established the path the aircraft had been following and the location over the ocean from which the glow had first been seen. The graphics programs were then run and the graph and map produced were printed out. On the latitude/longitude grid map, the assumed (input) location of the C-54 had been marked by the program, in the usual way. Next, I superimposed the path of the aircraft. Its two additional positions along the flight path were estimated and added to this. Using the viewing angles of the lights and the time lapses between them, I then projected lines from the each location of the aircraft and placed marks on those lines at the estimated distances of the underwater lights. From this exercise I determined the probable position of those lights. This marked up diagram (Fig. 27(a)) is shown below:

    Fig. 27(a)
    In this way having tentatively determined the position of the submerged lights as being 49°40’ N / 50°52’ W, I ran the programs again for that location. The map output was as given below (Fig. 27(b)):

    Fig. 27(b)
    The output revealed the estimated location to be an intersection area for the computed tracks associated with it. This was something of a triumph, because it meant that the lights’ location could be accessed by ET exploration craft released from any of those paths in space. In other words, it was an ideal location for a base. The large craft witnessed by all those onboard the C-54 could have been departing or had just previously arrived from space. The underwater illuminations had been essential to one of those routine operations, which had been unexpectedly interrupted by the approach of the C-54.
    There are many locations all over the world where such track intersections occur. Some of them are known to have been associated with similar unexplained underwater activities.
    Com. Bethune had remembered the time of the encounter as being probably just after midnight, local Zone Time. To produce the timings graph, I used the Time Zone meridian of Newfoundland. The result is shown by the output graph (Fig. 27(c)) below:

    Fig. 27(c)
    The nearest prediction to midnight on 9th/10th February is 23:50 hrs. and this relates to star-related track No.6 . That time could have been the actual time of arrival from space of that disc/dome craft, or a programmed departure time, which was subsequently delayed by the interruption.
    As will be continued to be demonstrated, the work described in this book sheds light on many other SAC encounters and establishes, without reasonable doubt, that programmed on-going surveillance and exploration of our planet is being carried on by extraterrestrial agencies .
    Intruders at Woodbridge and Bentwaters, U.K.
    One of the most publicised happenings involving military bases and aircraft to come to public attention in Britain occurred during the summer of 1956. During the night of August

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