
Bold by MacKenzie McKade

Book: Bold by MacKenzie McKade Read Free Book Online
Authors: MacKenzie McKade
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another smooch. “Night.” And still another. “Long.”
    Happiness bubbled up inside her. Did this mean they had a chance at a real relationship? One he wasn’t afraid of people knowing about—one her brother would just have to deal with? Reveling in the possibilities of what this breakthrough truly meant, she paused, remembering the promise she made to Jack yesterday.
    Evidently Reece must have noticed her unease, because he said, “What?”
    “Last night I promised to meet Jack at the Seaside.”
    Reece’s features firmed. “You’re mine, Tabby.” He spoke with such conviction that chills of delight raced up her spine. She would never tire of hearing those words.
    “Yeah. Yeah. I know, you Tarzan—me Jane,” she playfully jested before coming to the real crux of the subject. “If I don’t show up, I’m afraid Devon will come looking for me. Then he’ll discover I didn’t go home. He’ll nag me with questions. It will be hell.”
    “Fine. But only one dance so you can tell Jack and his friends things have changed. Okay? You can come up with something to tell both your mom and Devon to appease them, can’t you?” When she didn’t answer fast enough, because she was relishing this new, possessive Reece, he popped her on the ass and she squealed, jumping out of his arms. His gaze narrowed on her. “Tabby?”
    “Yes. Yes, Sultan,” she laughed, “whatever you say.”
    Reece bent over to retrieve his clothes and began to dress. “I kind of like this Sultan thing.” He glanced around as he pulled his boxers and jeans on. “I think I’ll convert one of my bedrooms into a palace or harem.”
    She pushed her arms through her shirt. “Uh. I better be the only woman in your harem.”
    His gaze swept over her with male appreciation as he approached. “Then, darlin’, you’d better keep your man happy.”
    She reached for him, drawing him into her arms. “Oh, I intend to.”
    After they shared a long, slow kiss, Reece released her. “I need a shower.”
    As they approached the table where the locks and key lay, she asked, “What is Harold’s key doing here.”
    “Harold’s key?”
    She picked up the key ring that had a small sail ship attached to it. “Yeah. I gave him one on that key ring.”
    “So it was Harold who unlocked the tent and left things on?” That didn’t make sense to Reece. “Why would he be nosing around at night? It doesn’t seem like him to leave everything unattended.”
    “Reece, I’m really worried about him.”
    Turning the radio off, he picked up the locks and took the key from her. “I’ll talk to Brody tomorrow.” He switched off the light, shrouding them in darkness. “Meet you at the Seaside Pub in about an hour?”
    “Sure.” Tabby went toward the slice of moonlight coming through the small slit in the tent flaps.
    Reece secured the padlocks. When they reached her Jeep, he placed something cold in her palm. It was a key.
    Confused, she stared up at him. “I have a key to these locks.”
    “That’s a spare key to my house. We’ll meet there after the Seaside.”
    “I can’t wait,” she whispered as he turned and headed for his truck.
    Then her grin went ear to ear, filling her with elation. She hadn’t missed the significance of having a key to his house.
    Reece was finally hers.
    Music spilled out of the Seaside Pub as Tabby stepped inside its doors. Immediately the man onstage caught her attention. She inwardly grinned. Reece cleaned up good. In fact, he was the most handsome man in the room.
    She was shamelessly ogling him when his lips parted and the first word of the song floated over the crowd. Was it her imagination or had everyone in the place paused to listen? Reece had that kind of effect, and not just with women. His voice was as smooth as a shot of Tennessee whiskey and twice as rich. As he sang, his gaze skimmed the crowd, stopping on her. The heated expression he gave her instantly made her weak-kneed, filling her with

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