
Twisted by Jo Gibson

Book: Twisted by Jo Gibson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jo Gibson
“But how about the people who aren’t here today?”
    â€œWe’ll catch them tomorrow. Mr. Dorman says I can pass the list around in homeroom. Anybody who misses out today can sign up tomorrow.”
    Kevin looked worried. “But how about us? We can sign up, can’t we?”
    â€œSure. Knock yourself out.” Danny pushed a blank sign-up sheet across the table. “It’s a legitimate contest. We’re just going to examine the names before we drop them in the fishbowl, that’s all.”
    Kevin nodded, and printed his name and address. Then he passed the paper to Gail, who did the same. It took only a few minutes for the paper to circulate around the table, and it came to rest in front of Danny.
    â€œYou’d better sign it, too.” Amy nudged him. “It won’t look right if you don’t.”
    Danny grinned at her. “Do you think I’m Cat?”
    â€œOf course not. But someone else might, and you can prove you aren’t by signing up.”
    â€œOkay.” Danny nodded, and printed his name and address. Then he shoved the paper to Amy. “How about you?”
    Amy put down her name. And then she handed it to Brett and pushed back her chair. “I’m going to get some water. Does anyone else want anything?”
    â€œI’d like some water, too.” Danny nodded. “Do you need some help?”
    â€œNo. I’ll get it.” Amy hurried to the counter and got two paper cups full of water. It was lukewarm, and she walked to the ice machine, which was close to the team table. She was just about to push the button for ice, when she heard Gail’s voice.
    â€œWhat do you think, Brett?” Gail sounded worried, and Amy peered around the ice machine to see what was the matter. “Is one of us Cat?”
    Brett examined the list, and shook his head. “No. As far as I’m concerned, everyone at this table is in the clear.”
    â€œAre you sure? Tanya said she thought that Amy wrote those poems.”
    Brett frowned slightly, and then he glanced at Amy’s name again. “No way, Gail! Amy’s printing is completely different. And there’s no way she could have voted for herself in the queen contest. The boys have to vote for girls, and the girls have to vote for boys. That’s the rule.”
    â€œWell . . . maybe.” Gail didn’t look convinced. “But Amy counted the votes. She could have slipped in a couple for herself. Anybody can cut a heart out of red construction paper. And she did have one in her purse.”
    Amy was so shocked, her mouth dropped open. She couldn’t believe that Gail suspected her of being Cat.
    â€œYou’re crazy, Gail!” Colleen looked just as shocked as Amy was. “Amy would never do something like that! What possible motive could she have?”
    â€œJealousy. You know that Amy was always jealous of Tanya. Tanya was pretty, and popular, and she was dating Brett.” Gail turned to give Brett a smile. “Unpopular girls like Amy always dream of dating the best-looking guy, and being queen of the dance.”
    Danny shook his head. “Hold on, Gail. You’re going wacko if you think Amy had anything to do with those Valentine cards. And she’d never vote for herself for queen. She’s the most totally honest person I know.”
    â€œAnd how about the half-heart pendant?” Colleen sounded outraged. “And your theory that the person who gave Tanya the necklace pushed her down the stairs? How can you possibly think that Amy would do something like that?!”
    Gail looked as if she wished she hadn’t brought up the subject. “Look . . . I didn’t say that Amy killed Tanya. But I still think she might have sent those cards. She knew she could never win the contest for queen, so she struck out at the girl who was leading the contest.”
    â€œListen to me, Gail.” Brett turned to her, and Amy noticed that

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