
Trifecta by Kim Carmichael

Book: Trifecta by Kim Carmichael Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Carmichael
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flushed, and her lips swollen from the workout she gave herself.
    "Then I thank the two of you for making my morning boner prize winning."  Jason flopped back on his pillow.
    "What is it?"  Lauren tilted her chin at him.
    "You look nice like that."  He frowned not wanting to sound like some tool.
    "Aw."  She grabbed his hand.
    "She looks awesome, and she is solely responsible for two men's orgasms.  I bet she sells a ton today."  Jason got out of bed and headed for the bathroom.
    Russell nodded.  "That would be fifty percent more orgasms than the average woman has to deal with on any given morning."
    Lauren smiled.
    "Well, since she doubled her quota, I say we reward her and take her out for a date tonight,” Jason yelled from the bathroom.
    Her smile widened. 
    The relaxation that took over his body instantly vanished.  He tensed, but tried to show no sign.  What would be expected on this date?  How could they both date her?  What would people think?  He tried to think, but he couldn't refuse.  "Okay."  He forced his answer out and swallowed.
    "That will be fun."  She kissed his chest and got out of bed as well. 
    The sunlight that wanted to murder him this morning glowed over Lauren outlining her form.  "You look nice like that."
    She turned to him.  "You know.  The three of us have thirty-three percent more orgasms than the average bear.  I mean bears."
    Damn it, she always got it.  He wished they didn't have work and could spend the day here raising their quotas.  He wished they could just stay here away from everyone and everything.
    Jason stuck his head out of the bathroom and held up a washcloth.  "Laurie was right, this was a quickie.  We have just enough time to soap her up."
    Lauren turned and trotted into the bathroom.
    He couldn't refuse.
    A rep's lunchtime was sacred, the one or two hours in the middle of the day reserved for the most important accounts or new business.  Medical offices closed for a few precious minutes and decision makers were placated with the promises of free sandwiches and sodas.
    However, the most coveted of lunches was with the doctor off site.  If the MD could be lured to a restaurant, the account was assured.  Of course, the dinner ranked above the restaurant lunch.  If you got the dinner, you entered into the physician's inner sanctum, a place only the select few got to visit.
    Now, as Lauren sat in a swanky restaurant known more for their name then their food, she realized how many parallels her job had to dating.  No wonder she hated dating.  The process was merely a means to an end.
    She glanced around the custom designed restaurant, waiting for the man who up until last Saturday, she had set her sights on as a potential ending for herself. 
    Yes, until she crawled through a tunnel of boxes to the two men who meant the world to her, Dr. Gregory Dalton would have been her dream dinner date leading to her dream man.  Now, instead of flutters and jitters at how she would catch his attention as something other than his plumper provider, her stomach cramped in dread.  Was she giving everything up for fantasy?
    Oh, but what a fantasy.  Her body heated at the slightest thought of what was going on in her home after hours. Even now she flooded with a need that only the two of them could quench. 
    "There's my favorite rep."   Flanked by a waiter, Dr. Dalton joined her at the table.  Though most everyone else in the restaurant was in a business suit or designer outfit, he sauntered in with his black scrubs and white doctor's coat.  "Sorry I'm late, I needed some air and it started to sprinkle on my walk."
    "No worries, I'm used to waiting for doctors."  She tried not to make eye contact and reached for the menu.
    Dr. Dalton intercepted the shields and handed them back to the waiter.  "I can't have anything heavy when I still have thirty patients to see.  We'll have some sparkling water with lemon and lime, please make sure it's fresh, and

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