
Trifecta by Kim Carmichael Page B

Book: Trifecta by Kim Carmichael Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Carmichael
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her.  "I'm not like every other rep."
    He rubbed his chin and gave her the bowl of strawberries.  "Maybe I should have ordered you some whipped cream."
    "Excuse me?"  Though she heard him, she asked anyway.
    "Have you had any work done?"
    Her stomach spiraled at the way he didn't repeat his words.  She should be thrilled. "No.  Just sunscreen."
    "I need to get going.  Do you mind driving me back to the office?"  He motioned for the waiter and stood.
    The waiter rushed over and she handed him her credit card.  "Sure." 
    Dr. Dalton checked his phone and waited for her by the entrance while she signed the check. 
    The valet brought her car around, and they got in.   Had she had known she was going to have the doctor in the car she would have borrowed something from the Jason's parent's dealership.  No, she wouldn't have, she had Jason and Russell, or did she?  She wasn't sure how this was all going to work once they got past the running home and having sex stage.  Was this the only stage?  How were they going to do this?  Questions began to build up in her mind, and she didn't realize she rolled away from the curb until the honk of a horn stopped her.
    She slammed on her breaks.  A blue sedan swerved around her, and she closed her eyes.  Jason.  Russell.  Dr. Dalton in the car. 
    "That guy's an ass."  Dr. Dalton put his hand on her shoulder.  "Take a breath, you're shaking.  Look at me."
    Her whole body trembled and a weakness took over her, but she managed to face him. 
    "Take it slow and then come back up to the office for a while."  He patted her.  "Don't worry, you're with a doctor."
    She inhaled and somehow managed to pull without hitting anything.  One day she would learn to concentrate on driving.
    "Make sure you go to Vegas for the Plastic Surgery trade show."  Even in the rainy weather, he put his sunglasses on.
    Her boss had given her the option of going to the show with the Nevada rep, but with her sales she could opt out and she hated manning the booth.  "Why?"
    "Let's plan on doing dinner up there."  He lifted his phone to his face.
    The inner sanctum. 
    She should be happy. 

Chapter Nine
    A blast of icy, wet air jolted Jason up from the couch. 
    "Hey!"  He caught sight of a dripping Russell out of the corner of his eye, rummaged around for the remote and turned down the tunes. "It's raining?"
    Russell looked back out the door.  "It's been pouring since about lunch."
    "I never heard it." He pursed his lips and watched the water coming down in a near solid block.  Rain meant traffic.  Traffic meant they would have to leave earlier for their night's activities.  "Go change."
    "I'm beat."  Russell dropped his computer case.  "I hope Lauren's okay."
    "She probably got caught on a call."  He pointed toward the direction of the bedroom.  "Dry clothes are that way."  They had no time for Russell to wait for Lauren's tie untying.  Somehow Russell took longer than Lauren to get ready, and Jason had a full night planned, dinner out, a trip down to the club where some of their friends of friends were playing some tunes, and then home for a little triple play. 
    "At six thirty?"  Russell dug his cell phone out of his pocket and walked away.
    "What?"  He turned toward the clock.  Last time he checked it was 4:30.  He was in his studio and decided he needed to clear his mind, got ready and turned on the music to wait for his other halves.  Well, other thirds.  He returned to the couch to find his phone in the cushion. A pair of headlights glowed through the shade right as he went to call Laurie.
    He threw his phone aside, opened the door and waved her in.  "Come on it's raining."
    A blur of black bulges trudged to the door, it didn't say hello to him or brush his bangs away.  It only passed by, dropping a handbag, a coat and a tote bag on their tile entryway.
    "Where have you been?"  Russell returned and tossed Lauren a towel.
    "Why are you in sweats?"  Jason waved at

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