Follow You Down

Follow You Down by Hot Tree Editing, K. B. Webb

Book: Follow You Down by Hot Tree Editing, K. B. Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hot Tree Editing, K. B. Webb
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aren’t like that.”
    Since when did we become a we ?
    I don’t get to contemplate that for long because I am reminded of his earlier caveman episode because of Jason.
    “I may not be like that, but you are.”
    He turns toward me, leaning back slightly and raising his eyebrows questionably. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
    “I’m talking about you throwing a hissy fit tonight because I was talking to a friend.”
    He laughs, and then chugs his beer. “Friend my ass, Red. You were pawing him like a fucking cat in heat. And since when are you friends with yuppies in designer suits?”
    “Since his sister moved in down the hall.” He perks up a little at that. “Oh yeah, and he’s gay. I’ve met his boyfriend. So your whole ‘mine’s bigger’ bit earlier was pointless.”
    “He’s gay?”
    “Yes, Lucas, he’s very much gay.”
    He stares at me for a moment before he gets up laughing loudly as he grabs two more beers from the fridge. He hands me one, plopping back down on the couch. “Man, I feel like an asshole. I’m sorry, Red.”
    “Well, you did embarrass me a little, but once I realized why you did it, I forgave you. It was just a big misunderstanding.” One that should have never happened because we aren’t in a relationship; I can do whatever the fuck I want. He should not be getting jealous.
    “Well, I guess I don’t need the stuff in my bag after all.”
    His bag? I saw him bring one in, but I assumed it just had work clothes in it. “What are you talking about, Lucas?”
    He rubs his hands together like he is about to hatch some evil plan, and then walks toward the duffle bag he brought in with him. He unzips it and pulls out a few long pieces of black silk. At first glance, I think he has ties in his bag, but why would anyone need so many black ties? Then I see the blindfold, also made of black silk, and it hits me.
    Lucas wants to tie me up, blindfold me, and then fuck me.
    Yes please.

    So I like a little kink. Sue me. I’ve been known to tie a girl up a time or two with a belt or tie. I gagged Candice once with the sash to her bathrobe, but I have never actually bought restraints before, until tonight.
    After leaving Ricky’s, I knew I had to do something to work out all of my nervous energy, so I went to the gym. I lifted for a while and then ran until I felt like I would pass out. It felt fucking amazing, and it gave me time to think. Why was I jealous, really? I never had been jealous before, but something about the douche in the suit set me off. Then it hit me, for the first time since I had met her, I saw Dani as mine. All mine. She has been partially mine for weeks, but at this moment, she is mine completely. And someone else was playing with something that is mine. I was basically acting like a child, but I don’t give a fuck at all.
    I want to own her, sexually at least. And despite her stripper past, Dani is pretty tame when it comes to her sex life. I want to change that.
    After showering at the gym, I thought about stopping by my apartment and picking up a few of my ties so I could tie Dani up, but I know she needs better than that.
    One trip to the twenty-four hour sex store and I am ready for business.
    Standing in front of Dani with the restraints in one hand and the blindfold in the other, I am trying to gauge her reaction. She looks excited and nervous all at the same time.
    “You… you want to tie me up?’
    “And blindfold you.” I raise the hand the blindfold is in.
    “Why the blindfold?”
    “If you can’t see, your other senses will heighten.”
    She could flip shit right now or go with it. This is the moment where I will know if I’ve pushed her too hard or just enough.
    “Do we need a safe word?”
    I laugh at her and shake my head. “No, Red. I don’t think you’ll need to tell me to stop. If anything, I think you’ll want more.”
    She takes a step toward me, wraps her hands around opposite sides of her waist, and pulls her

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