Trickle Down Tyranny
back to my belief system. I’ve been in temples, churches, and synagogues and I’ve never really felt at home in any of those houses of worship. It doesn’t mean they’re bad or don’t serve a social purpose. They do. But do they teach people survival skills? Maybe they did for you, but not for me.
    When I see stories of ancient Buddhist temples that taught young acolytes martial arts, so the monks with shaved heads living in the mountains of China and Tibet could defend themselves against invading armies using hoes and sticks, that is a religious teaching I can relate to. Is it a religious teaching to teach someone to fight with a hoe or a fishing rod or a chair? They decided that the young men shouldn’t go to the gas chambers like the Jews did in World War II. I respect that of the Buddhists who teach their men to kill the enemy. If the Jews did that at the beginning, there wouldn’t have been a Holocaust. I’ve studied it inside and out. I don’t care how many times you quote the Bible, what good is it if a man comes to kill you, your wife, and children?
    The Jews who went into the sewers and woods of Poland are the Jews I respect. They cut Nazi throats, bombed their rail lines, and burned their supply depots. Those are the Jews I respected, not the Jews who sat begging for their lives and got only slaughter and humiliation in return.
    With Breivik we’re talking about the slaughter of innocent children, albeit the children of the Labor Party, at the core of Norway’s cultural identity. But they were unarmed teenagers. Where’s the nobility in Breivik’s act? How can anyone say it was justifiable? How can you understand this? You don’t go kill children because they belong to the Labor Party.
    Those of you who served in Iraq know this. They tried to kill as many children as possible. Why would Muslims want to kill Muslims? I understand why they’d kill American soldiers—I hate them for it and would kill them for it—but what’s their thinking? Their twisted logic is that unless you’re an extremist, you’re a collaborator—then, you side with the crusaders, the Americans.
    That’s the same twisted reasoning the psychopath Breivik employed in Norway. The left is trying to say he was a student of Timothy McVeigh and the Unabomber, but he was a student of al Qaeda. He copied their tactics: He attacked the innocent members of his race and religion, hoping to polarize society and spark a civil war. Al Qaeda, as shown in its manuals captured in Afghanistan, has the same methods, dreams, goals, and tactics.
    The secret society that threatens every one of us extends far beyond even the vast star-packed universe of the Government-Media Complex. In the next chapter, I will show you how Soros, Obama, and the rest of a secretive financial elite control the United States economy and are purposefully driving it to destruction. In the end, you could lose your job, your house, your car, and even your country. Their subversion of the media, which acts as sword and shield to protect them for public scrutiny, allows them to carry out a much larger, far-ranging plan.

Chapter 4
Tyranny of the Treasurer
    Obama and the Leninist Economic Vision
    Vladimir Ilyich Lenin had a disturbed vision. He thought that a nation could only grow more prosperous when it was controlled by a vanguard, an elite. The Leninist elite would lead the Russian people to a world free of pain and poverty. No more haves and have-nots. No more private property. Only boundless prosperity.
    All Russia had to do was transfer its entire wealth to Lenin’s elite.
    The Leninist vision had terrible consequences. If you didn’t want to relinquish your property, Leninists would take it. And instead of boundless prosperity, the Russian people endured unthinkable poverty and famine. Photographs abound of groups of men, women, and children, their skeletal bodies marked by grotesque swollen bellies, sitting helplessly at the edge of a road or in front of the

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