Trickle Down Tyranny
empty huts they once called home, waiting to die. Cannibalism was rampant, so much so that the Russian government was forced to issue edicts against it. 1
    If you don’t believe it could happen here, listen to the president. At a million-dollar fund-raiser in San Francisco in October 2011, Obama warned his audience that if he’s not elected in 2012, Americans will have to become more self-reliant than they are now. His exact words:
The one thing that we absolutely know for sure is that if we don’t work even harder than we did in 2008, then we’re going to have a government that tells the American people, “you are on your own. . . . If you get sick, you’re on your own. If you can’t afford college, you’re on your own. If you don’t like that some corporation is polluting your air or the air that your child breathes, then you’re on your own.” That’s not the America I believe in. It’s not the America you believe in. 2
    The America that Barack Obama “believes in” is the same America Vladimir Lenin would have believed in.
    I’ve warned you repeatedly that in his first three years in office, Barack Obama has done everything he can to bring the Leninist vision to America. He’s engineering the takeover of the world’s largest economy by his own central government, which is determined to convert our country from the most powerful and successful democracy on the planet into a third-rate nation.
    Who controls the United States under Obama’s Leninist vision of what this country will become?
    I call it the financial aristocracy.
    They’re the modern equivalent of Lenin’s elite.
    I’m the only one who’s spoken out against the new financial aristocracy.
    That’s because it’s made up of Wall Street power banks like Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and Bank of America, and most talk show hosts and commentators and news organizations—and especially our politicians—are afraid to take them on.
    The group also includes anti-American financiers like George Soros, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, Obama’s egghead college-professor financial advisors, and government agencies of the United States and Western European socialist nations.
    Like the Leninist elite, they’ve conned the world into believing that they’re looking after the interests of “the people” when in fact they’re in the process of seizing control of the world’s financial assets at the people’s expense.
    Thanks to the financial aristocracy, you’re no longer working so you can afford the things you need to live a comfortable life and pass along an inheritance to your children; you’re working so you can give your money to these financial oligarchs to underwrite the enormous debt they’re incurring in order to advance their takeover of the global economy.
    What’s the most significant result of Obama’s attempts to reduce our economy to second-class status?
    Our unprecedented failure to recover from the 2008 recession.
    Look at the numbers. The Obama recovery has produced average GDP growth of only 2.4 percent over the two years since the recession ended. That’s the most pathetic recovery in U.S. history. For the third quarter of 2011, the U.S. economy grew at a 2.5 percent annual rate—and the administration celebrated.
    Let me translate that into real terms for you: When compared to the 6.2 percent average GDP growth following the other serious recessions since World War II, the Obama recovery has been so weak that it’s cost us nearly a trillion dollars in lost GDP. 3
    The Obama economy has also cost us as many as 10.5 million jobs. In 2011, as the recession dragged on, more than 14 million people were unemployed. For every job opening, there were seven people who needed a job. 4
    It’s what happens when you put your economy in the hands of a socialist like Obama, who is committed to proving that capitalism doesn’t work.
    Did you know that not only is Obama determined to bankrupt the

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