Trickle Down Tyranny
United States, he’s out to destroy the middle class in the bargain? I’ve told you over and over that when Obama attacks Wall Street he’s only trying to divert attention from his own partners in crime: the very banks and big businesses that he is in league with as he pushes his economic takeover.
    His real target is the middle class.
    Don’t get me wrong. I’m no friend of big banks. Banks aren’t in the business of standing up for the people. They exist to make a profit like other corporations.
    But they’re not supposed to side with Leninists to steal our wealth.
    Like Lenin, Obama is determined to confiscate wealth and redistribute it. He’s not going to redistribute it to the people, though. He’s going to redistribute it to the financial elite who are rapidly gaining control of our economy.
    Obama’s henchmen are doling out some of the money they seize to the increasing number of poor people in the United States, but only enough so they can stay poor. By the time they’re done running up debt, printing money, and raising taxes, all but the wealthiest will be reduced to poverty and dependence on our government. In the process, the middle class—better known to the Leninist sympathizers who make up Obama’s financial team as the bourgeoisie—will disappear, as it has done in every big-government socialist economy in the world.
    It’s no secret that Obama, like all leftists, despises the bourgeoisie and all it stands for.
    I describe the economic philosophy of the Obama administration as “sustainable bankruptcy.”
    Do you realize what the intellectual idiots who control our finances have caused?
    Yearly trillion-dollar-plus deficits; a Social Security fund that has run out of cash; millions of homeowners either underwater with their mortgages or already in foreclosure; a capitalist crony system that is churning out billions in profits simply by gaming the system through creating nonexistent collateralized debt; inflation on the rise; the IRS empowered to expand their crackdown on taxpayers into the health insurance field; our own government investing billions in foreign energy projects while America’s energy industry is hamstrung by our own leftist government; more Americans than ever in history reliant on the government for their income.
    We’re living Obama’s new American economic nightmare.
    When you hear what Obama’s Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has to say about the increase in people dependent on the government, you’ll start to understand why: “[W]hen you talk about the SNAP program or the food stamp program, you have to recognize that it’s also an economic stimulus. If people are able to buy a little more in the grocery store, then someone has to stock it, shelve it, process it, package it, ship it. All of those are jobs. It’s the most direct stimulus you can get in the economy during these tough times.” 5
    That’s the Obama idea of how the economy works: Redistribute income. Give people something for nothing. Call it job creation.
    As this graph shows, under Obama the percentage of people living in a household receiving government benefits is projected to rise nearly ten percent before Obama leaves office in 2012, after having risen only about ten percent over the previous 25 years:
    Expanding Net
    Percentage of U.S. population living in a household receiving
some government benefits
    Nearly half of all the people in the United States live in households that are receiving direct government benefit payments. That’s up by nearly ten percent since Barack Obama assumed power and began to impose his economic vision on America. 6
    It’s already happening. But not quite the way you think.
    Communist economies never transfer wealth to the poor and middle classes. They transfer it to government officials and their cronies. That’s what’s going on right here in the United States.
    In the top-earning 1 percent of American households, income grew by 275 percent over the last

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