Travels in the Scriptorium

Travels in the Scriptorium by Paul Auster

Book: Travels in the Scriptorium by Paul Auster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Auster
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chestnut horse who goes by the name of Whitey, so called because of a splash of white between the animal’s eyes, and since Graf knows the terrain well from his visit twelve years before, he heads in the direction of the Gangi, the tribe with whom he got along best during his earlier travels and whom he found to be the most peaceful of all the Primitive nations. Late one morning, he finally approaches a Gangi encampment, a small village of fifteen or twenty hogans, which would suggest a population of somewhere between seventy and a hundred people. When he’s approximately thirty yards from the edge of the settlement, he calls out a greeting in the local Gangi dialect to signal his arrival to the inhabitants – but no one responds. Growing alarmed now, Graf quickens the horse’s pace and trots into the heart of the village, where not a single sign of human life can be seen. He dismounts, walks over to one of the hogans, and pushes aside the buffalo skin that serves as the door to the little house. The moment he enters, he’s greeted by the overpowering stench of death, the sickening smell of decomposing bodies, and there, in the dim light of the hogan, he sees a dozen slaughtered Gangi – men, women, and children – all of them shot down in cold blood. He staggers out into the air, covering his nose with a handkerchief, and then one by one inspects the other hogans in the village. They’re all dead, every last soul is dead, and among them Graf recognizes a number of people he befriended twelve years before. The girls who have since grown into young women, the boys who have since grown into young men, the parents who have since become grandparents, and not a single one is breathing anymore, not a single one will grow a day older for the rest of time.
    Who was responsible? Was it Land and his men?
    Patience, doctor. A thing like this can’t be rushed. We’re talking about brutality and death, the murder of the innocent, and Graf is still reeling from the shock of his discovery. He’s in no shape to absorb what’s happened, but even if he were, why would he think Land had anything to do with it? He’s working on the assumption that his old friend is trying to start a rebellion, to form an army of Primitives that will invade the western provinces of the Confederation. An army of dead men can’t fight very well, can it? The last thing Graf would conclude is that Land has killed his own future soldiers.
    I’m sorry. I won’t interrupt anymore.
    Interrupt all you like. We’re involved in a complicated story here, and not everything is quite what it seems to be. Take Land’s troops, for example. They have no idea what their real mission is, no idea that Land is a double agent working for the Ministry of War. They’re a bunch of well-educated dreamers, political radicals opposed to the Confederation, and when Land enlisted them to follow him into the Alien Territories, they took him at his word and assumed they were going to help the Primitives annex the western provinces.
    Does Graf ever find Land?
    He has to. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be any story to tell. But that doesn’t happen until later, until several weeks or months down the road. About two days after Graf leaves the massacred Gangi village, he comes across one of Land’s men, a delirious soldier staggering through the desert with no food, no water, no horse. Graf tries to help him, but it’s already too late, and the kid hangs on for just a few more hours. Before he gives up the ghost, he raves on to Graf in a stream of incoherent babble about how everyone is dead, how they never had a chance, how the whole thing was a fraud from the start. Graf has trouble following him. Who does he mean by everyone ? Land and his troops? The Gangi? Other tribes among the Primitives? The boy doesn’t answer, and before the sun goes down that evening, he’s dead. Graf buries the body and moves on, and a day or two after that, he comes to another Gangi settlement

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