slid out of bed and locked the
door. She walked over to the side of the bed where Branson was
laying. “Get up.”
    “ I’m staying.”
    “ I know. Get
    He did as she commanded and was
rewarded with a passionate kiss conveying the depth of her need for
him. Branson’s body immediately stirred in response to her hands
moving over his chest and arms, lingering over every muscle as if
she was savoring him. His hands intuitively moved across her lower
back, up to her shoulders and arms, feeling goose bumps rise. “Are
you cold?”
    “ No.” She
    He kissed her slowly, wanting to take
his time savoring her exquisite body. Methodically, she unbuttoned
his shirt before sliding it off, letting it float to the floor. She
slowly moved her hands over his chest, as if discovering him for
the very first time. She traced over each ripple on his firm
stomach before slowly following the trail of dark hair past his
navel to his waist band. His body tensed at her soft touch and he
groaned softly, allowing her to free him from his jeans. A
mischievous grin played on his lips as she slid his pants the rest
of the way down with her foot, never breaking their heated gaze.
Katie had gone to bed in a long, cotton T-shirt that he slipped
over her head prior to stepping back to admire her
    “ I love you,” he said,
before guiding her onto the bed. He traced every inch of her body
with his hands, feeling her writhe beneath him, his own body
threatening to explode with each of her soft moans. She reached for
him, but he took her wrists and held them over her head, running
the back of his free hand down the inside of her left arm. Her
breasts were rising and falling with each deep breath she took, and
when he took one nipple in his mouth, she closed her eyes and
softly bit down on her bottom lip.
    Katie was reeling from his expert
touch. Her body quivered beneath him as she moaned in undulated
pleasure. “Branson,” she pleaded. “Please!” As soon as he released
her arms, she pulled him down to her. She found his lips and
conveyed her ravenous desire for him with her mouth and
    Branson fought with himself for
control of his desire as her soft hands roamed over him. The
intensity behind her desire-filled green eyes drove him wild and he
couldn’t wait any longer. He wrapped her in his arms as they made
love, holding her tightly to him while shockwave after shockwave
reverberated through their bodies.
    Katie felt an overwhelming amount of
emotion rip through her, causing tears to spill over her lashes.
She couldn’t believe she was crying after experiencing something so
perfect and wonderful. With Branson’s fingers laced in hers, she
tried to turn her head to the side to wipe the tears on the pillow
before she was caught.
    “ Hey,” he said, “What’s
    The simple question opened the
floodgate and more tears spilled from her eyes. “I have no idea why
I’m crying. I’m just overwhelmed, I guess. I love you, Branson
William Stone.”
    Branson looked into her moist eyes and
smiled. Her words made him feel good all over. He thought about
sitting at the table with Gram just an hour ago, and how bad it
felt thinking he and Katie were finished. Now, he held her in his
arms after the most intense lovemaking of his life. She was so
delicate beneath him and he felt a vast need to comfort and protect
her. “And I love you, Katie Rose Harrington.”
    Thursday morning arrived unwelcomed,
and Katie frowned in sadness. “Call me when you get
    “ I will.” Branson enfolded
Katie in his arms. “Have a great Christmas.”
    “ Please, be careful.”
Katie’s Christmas present from him sparkled on her wrist. The tiny
diamonds were dazzling in the hint of sun peeking through the gray
clouds. It was beautiful and dainty. She’d told him how much she
loved it, and then giggling, proclaimed, “A tennis bracelet from my tennis player!”
    Christmas with Gram was
just as Katie

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