
Torn by Eleanor Green Page B

Book: Torn by Eleanor Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eleanor Green
Tags: Romance, love triangle, new adult, beach, hea
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strong arms. It was late, and she was sure
he would already be asleep, but she sent a reply just in
    I can’t wait to see you!

    Katie leaned against the counter,
trying to absorb Branson’s words.
    “ I have to go to New
Hampshire. My father’s plans can’t be put on hold—they’ve already
bought airline tickets,” Branson said. “There’s no one else to run
the company.”
    Katie was unsure of what
to do. She couldn’t bear the thought of being away from Branson,
but Gram was all alone and expected her to come home after
graduation. “What about my home and Gram?”
    “ I want to be your home, Katie. Just give it a try. You don’t
take your boards for another month—come with me until then. If you
want to go back to Maine after that, then I’ll respect your
decision and we’ll make it work somehow.”
    Katie found an empty chair and sat
down. She was surrounded by boxes filled with their belongings,
ready to be moved out. Branson and Katie had found an apartment off
campus to share their last semester of school. Maggie had met
someone from Kennebunkport over the break and didn’t seem to mind
Katie’s absence in her life. Graduation came and went without
incident, forcing Katie to make some difficult decisions. Gram
always talked excitedly about Katie returning home and working at
the local hospital. She couldn’t wait to have her back to share
tea, conversation, and late-night giggling.
    Branson squatted down in front of her.
“Why are you struggling with this decision? What are you afraid
    She thought for a moment before
answering. “I’m worried about Gram being alone. I’m also worried
about losing myself. I’m worried about finding a job in a town I
know nothing about . . .” Katie rested her elbows on her knees and
lowered her head into her hands. The more she talked, the greater
her fear of the unknown grew.
    “ Baby, I won’t let you
lose yourself, and you’ll have at least two months before you’re
licensed and ready to look for a job. I’ll get you acquainted with
the town before then.” He gave her knees a gentle squeeze. “Gram
will be just fine. She’s been without you for four years, with you
only visiting every now and then. You’ll be able to see her every
day if you want—it’s only a forty minute drive.”
    “ True . . .”
    “ Tell you what, why don’t
you give her a call and feel her out. She might surprise you.”
Branson knew what she would say, he had already talked to her about
his plan to ask Katie to move in with him. Although she was not
happy about the idea, Branson had finally convinced her.
    “ All right,” Katie agreed,
and phoned Gram to tell her the plan. Surprisingly, Gram was
compliant and encouraged her to follow her heart.
    “ I won’t be here forever,
Katie-girl. You’re a grown woman now. It’s right for you to move on
and find your life. I’m only a half hour, or so, away. When you’re
settled, I’ll come for a visit, okay?”
    “ I’d love that! Thank you
for being so supportive. I love you so much, Gram.”
    “ You won’t understand the
depth of love I have for you angel—until you have a daughter of
your own one day.”
    The thought of a child made Katie
smile. She pictured a little girl with dark hair, Branson’s blue
eyes, and deep dimples. Once she had Gram’s blessing, she relaxed
and enjoyed the thought of finding a home to share with
    Branson grinned and kissed Katie hard
on the lips. “Let’s celebrate.” He found two plastic cups and half
bottle of wine in the fridge.
    “ Will we always live this
lavishly, Mr. Stone?” Katie giggled.
    “ Only the best for you,
Miss Harrington.” He laughed and raised his red Solo cup. “To
    Katie tapped her cup against his and
felt the crisp white wine coat her throat. She had been working all
day and didn’t realize how thirsty she was. “Mmm, more
    After finishing off the wine, they
packed the rest of the

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