Tonight The World Dies

Tonight The World Dies by Amber White

Book: Tonight The World Dies by Amber White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber White
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    The people stepped closer. Brennan, Todd, Andy, Sparky, and Steven were surrounding me.
    I tried to swear loudly at them, but it came out as yet another keening growl, so I glared at them.
    “Is she…Is she glaring at us?” Todd asked.
    “It would seem so.” Bobby said.
    Well, weren’t they the brightest crayons in the box?
    “Come on little firecracker. Come back to us.” Todd whispered.
    “Eff you.” I said.
    I actually spoke! It was still growly, and didn’t sound like me, but I spoke! The men jumped back, and laughed.
    “It worked!” They said.
    “You bastard,” I glared at Bobby. “I hate you.”
    “She has returned with zest! Tell me, how do you feel?” Bobby said, gleefully undoing the straps holding me down.
    “I’ll tell you how I feel you . . . I feel like I’m going to cut your heart out and eat it!” I shouted, jumping off the table and grabbing onto him.
    I wanted to rip through his chest and eat his intestines while he watched.
    “Oh no you don’t.” Brennan said, grabbing onto me.
    I threw him off. Todd, Andy, and Steven grabbed onto me, holding me off of Bobby while Brennan helped him to his desk, and Sparky held a gun to my head.
    “Go ahead and kill me. That freak turned me into a monster!” I screeched, my voice slowly returning to normal.
    “Don’t kill her!” Bobby shouted over me. “She’s cured! She just has to let the serum work its way through the rest of her body.”
    “You won’t feel so angry after a while. This is just the last traces of the disease leaving your body.” He said, looking at me.
    I growled.
    “Put her in the cell.” He told the boys.
    They lifted me off the ground and threw me into the cell, slamming the door shut and locking it firmly as quickly as they could.
    I rushed to the door and hammered against it.
    “Just you effing wait until I get out of here.” I screamed.
    “She’s got quite the set of lungs on her.” Steven said.
    “Screw you jerk.” I said, kicking the door. It shuddered.
    “I can’t believe you did it Bobby. It really worked.” Todd said.
    “I’ve found that the greatest pleasure in life is doing the things that others say is impossible.” Bobby said.
    “Why don’t we go upstairs and celebrate while she calms down?” Brennan said.
    I glared at them as they passed. I could feel their uneasiness and licked my lips. Fear would make their meat taste so much better.
    As I stood there by myself, away from the temptation of fresh meat, lonely, heartbroken tears trickled from my eyes. I was a danger to those around me, unable to control my anger or my hunger. I knew that if one of them came down here, unarmed, I would try to sink my teeth into their sinewy flesh even if the thought repulsed me while I was alone. I kicked the glass hard, making it shake dangerously. I took a calming breath. My heart was still racing, so I made an effort to slow that as well. I tried to concentrate on the faces of my friends, and how wonderful it would be to see them again, but my mind turned to their soft, warm flesh and how it would feel as I chewed it thoroughly. I sank to the floor, sobbing into my hands.
    “Jo?” Andy’s voice said.
    I hadn’t heard him come back down.
    “What?” I said, wiping my eyes.
    “I brought you some steak.” He said.
    I perked up.
    “You brought me food?” I said.
    “Yes.” He said.
    “Well then, hurry up. Bring it over here!” I said, rising to my knees.
    He slid the plate through a slot in the door. I grabbed it from him, drooling, and scurried away.
    “Thanks.” I said.
    “You’re welcome.” He said. “Oh, wait, I forgot your silverwea…” He stopped.
    I was already devouring the chunk of meat with my bare hands, ripping viciously at it like an animal. Andy stared at me with his mouth open. I looked up at him sheepishly.
    “It’s a little overdone.” I said.
    “It’s medium-rare.” He said.
    “It would be better rare.” I said, wolfing down the last of it and licking

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