Tonight The World Dies

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Book: Tonight The World Dies by Amber White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber White
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my fingers.
    He narrowed his eyes and took a breath, like he was getting ready to say something, but thought better of it and looked away.
    I crawled back over to the door and pushed the plate back through the slot, holding onto it with a couple fingers until he took it gingerly from me.
    “You aren’t afraid of me, are you?” I said, smiling.
    “A little.” He said.
    “Good.” I said, the smile gone from my face.
    The steak has slated my hunger temporarily, but the desire to feed on him was still strong. The basement door opened, and slow footsteps plotted down.
    “Why don’t you let me out of here?” I whispered, grinning evilly.
    Chapter nineteen
    “I wouldn’t suggest that.” Bobby said.
    “Who asked you?” I said, turning to glare at him.
    “Are you sorry for attacking me?” He asked.
    “No.” I said. “You pissed me off, and turned me into a effing zombie. How else am I supposed to react to you?”
    “Then you aren’t going to be let free just yet.” He said.
    “Are you going to need any help down here?” Andy asked.
    “No, I don’t think she’ll be any trouble” Bobby said.
    “Well, if you do, just shout.” Andy said.
    “I will.” Bobby said, ushering Andy to the stairs.
    “That’s right. Ignore the zombie girl.” I said.
    “Are you ready for your tests?” Bobby smiled.
    “Are you ready to get your skull cracked open?” I said.
    “The more you misbehave and threaten me, the longer you will have to wait before you can see your friends.” He said.
    I stopped for a moment. “Fine.” I said, huffing.
    “Fine, what?” He said, raising an eyebrow.
    “Let’s get these stupid tests over with.” I said.
    “Are you going to attack me?” He asked.
    “I’ll try not to.” I said.
    “Do or do not. There is no try.” He said.
    “Yoda, you are not.”
    He opened the door.
    I walked calmly past him, holding my breath. He had smelled so good through the glass.
    “Ok,” He said when I sat on the examination table. “We will do a few tests now, and if I am satisfied, you will be allowed to visit the rest of the house. After that, I will have to closely monitor you and run more tests every so often.”
    “Get on with it.” I said.
    “We’ll start with another blood draw.” He said.
    He picked up a needle and stepped closer. I looked away, steeling myself against the desire to tear him apart.
    “Are you going to prick me with the damn needle or not? I haven’t got all day.” I said.
    “I already have. In fact, it’s been several seconds since I took the needle back out.” Bobby said.
    I looked down. Sure enough, the crook of my arm was once again hidden beneath medical tape.
    “You didn’t feel that?” He said.
    “No.” I said.
    “Odd. Patient claims to have not felt a blood draw, even though I had to reposition the needle twice.” He said, writing.
    “So what’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.
    “I don’t know.” He said.
    “Then why don’t you tell me why I couldn’t speak when I went full on zombie, before you injected me.” I said.
    “Well, that would have to do with the area of your brain that controls speech temporarily shutting down. It was the serum that rebooted it.” He said.
    “Right.” I said.
    “You could be a little more grateful to me, you know. I did bring you back from the dead.” He said.
    “You really are a self-indulgent, arrogant bastard, aren’t you?” I said.
    “And ceasing to swear so much wouldn’t hurt either.” He said.
    “Fine. You want me to put it nicely? You got me infected and turned into a zombie, then gave me back the ability to speak, so thank you for making me extremely angry, and making me crave human flesh. Is that grateful enough for you?” I said.
    “Are you saying you craved human flesh when you were fully infected, and that you still do?” He said.
    “Do I have to write it in crayon? Yes! I want to feast on your flesh. I want to pull meat from bone with my bare teeth.” I said,

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