Tonight The World Dies

Tonight The World Dies by Amber White Page B

Book: Tonight The World Dies by Amber White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber White
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gritting my teeth. Saliva was steadily filling my mouth.
    “Fascinating.” He said.
    “I just told you I want to eat you alive, and all you have to say is ‘fascinating’?” I said.
    “I note you’re not swearing anymore.” He said.
    “Screw you and your mother.” I said.
    He ignored me and walked over to his table to study a fresh blood sample.
    “Your blood has a great deal fewer infected cells than before. The infection is at perhaps, forty percent.” He said, still scribbling in his damned notes.
    He moved in front of me again and the lure of his flesh was so strong I clenched my fingers into a fist, the joints popping loudly.
    “Ready to do a few more tests?” He said.
    “Get it over with.” I said through clenched teeth.
    He had me do the same pointless, boring tests as before.
    When it was finally over, he smiled at me and said “You may now go upstairs.”
    I grimaced and slid off the table. “Thanks.” I mumbled.
    I was scared. I wanted desperately to see my friends, but I was barely capable of stopping myself from killing Bobby. What would I do when I saw Billie or Dean or Sully?
    I trudged slowly up the stairs, one unsure foot at a time. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door, letting it swing wide. In the entryway stood the entire household, including my friends. The children peeked out from behind the adult’s legs, staring in wonder at me.
    “Jo.” Sully whispered. “You’re alive.”
    He ran to me and hugged me tight. The smell of his warm flesh was intoxicating. Billie skipped to me, Dean in tow, and grinned, tears in her eyes. Sully let me go, and the twins drew me into another hug. I could feel their hearts beating, and smell their freshly cleaned skin. It was like walking into a barbecue restaurant. It smelled so good I was drooling. I moaned softly to myself.
    “We’re so happy to see you.” Billie said.
    “We didn’t think you’d come back out alive.” Dean said.
    “I can’t believe they let you come down here.” I said.
    “We agreed we wouldn’t attack them if we got to see you.” Sully said, rubbing my arm.
    Dean and Billie hugged me tighter.
    “Ok, please let go of me.” I said.
    “What’s wrong?” They said together, letting go.
    “I’m just…so hungry. And you two…” I was about to say ‘smell like dinner’ “Aren’t helping my poor stomach.” I finished.
    No need to freak them out just yet.
    “Let’s get you something to eat then.” Amy said.
    The group followed her into the kitchen.
    “What would you like?” She asked.
    “Meat, if you have it.” I said.
    “We have one steak left from dinner, but it’s rare. Is that ok??” She said.
    “It’s more than ok.” I said.
    My friends stared at me.
    “Rare?” Dean said.
    “I thought you only ate it well done.” Sully said.
    “I did, but now I want it rare.” I said, sitting down at the table.
    Billie sat next to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.
    While my dinner was heating up, Steven walked up to me.
    “So uh, no hard feelings, right?” He said, punching my arm.
    Without thinking, I reached up and snapped his fingers backward. He screamed.
    “Don’t touch me.” I said.
    Five guns lifted around the room, their safeties clicked off.
    “Don’t shoot her!” Bobby said, rushing into the room.
    “Why the hell not? She just broke my brother’s fingers!” Sparky said.
    “The infection is cured, but it hasn’t completely left her body. She’s still experiencing the rage and undeniable hunger it brings as symptoms.” Bobby said.
    The men lowered their guns slowly, unsure if they still wanted to shoot me. I didn’t blame them.
    Amy set my plate in front of me, trying to keep her fingers out of my range. I felt like a tiger in a cage, everyone staring at me like they wanted to get closer, but too afraid to actually risk touching me. I remembered just in time to use the fork and knife she gave me.
    “Is that why her eyes are a different color?” Sully asked.

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