TOCABAGA (Revised Edition) (Book #1 of The Tocabaga Chronicles)

TOCABAGA (Revised Edition) (Book #1 of The Tocabaga Chronicles) by Thomas H. Ward Page B

Book: TOCABAGA (Revised Edition) (Book #1 of The Tocabaga Chronicles) by Thomas H. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas H. Ward
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Once the shooting starts you are not nervous or worried, you become focused only on killing the enemy.
    That ’s what it was like a few days ago fighting the gang at the bridges. We didn’t have the full force of the Rangers then and I was worried. I must admit, I was also a little scared until the shooting started. Of course I fired the first shot, but once I decided to kill Big Jim, I was ready to do it. My countless hours of training, shooting and practice made me positive I would win a gun battle against any untrained puss bags.
    As Tommy and I lay on the roof I told him, “Son, I am proud of you.”
    “Thanks Dad you taught me everything I know. I remember the first time you took me shooting when I was ten years old. That was a thrill.”
    “ I’ve noticed little Shanda and Kendra are playing together a lot. I think Shanda is going to be fine. She also knows the kids who where slaves so they all are friends and spend time together.”
    Kendra is my ten-year-old granddaughter and I would give my life for her. At least now Kendra could play with kids her age.
    “Tommy, I’d bet a lot of little kids out there need help, need a home and food. I am going to make that my mission, to search for them all over the city, when things calm down, and bring them here.”
    “That sounds good count me in on that.” 
    Our conversation was interrupted when Ron, Robbie and Eddy showed up on the roof. They brought us water and a snack. It was now 11 am and the sun was getting hot. I wanted off of the hot roof as we had no shade.
    Robbie asked me, “What can I do to help? I need to do something; the Rangers don’t want any of us near the front line.”
    Robbie thought he was invincible and nothing could hurt him. That kind of thinking will get you killed, sooner or later.
    I told everyone, “ Just sit here and watch. We are the last defense if the Feds break our lines then we have to go down and back-up the Rangers. Tommy and I will be shooting from here if Sessions gives us the order. We have all put our lives on the line many times. Let’s not get killed now that the situation is improving.”
    As we were waiting and watching suddenly Gun Smoke and about 50 men started to quickly move down the road toward the building that we cleared. I wondered what Turner and Sessions had up their sleeves.
    Robbie asked, “What the hell are they doing?”
    I replied, “I don’t know but it seems to me they are going to spring a trap on the Feds.”
    Then it occurred to me that they were going to hide a force in or around the building s and once the Feds passed them, they would be sandwiched between the two Ranger forces.
    I said to everyone, “Yeah, that’s it. Sessions is setting a trap.”
    Robbie announced, “I am going down there to see what is going on.”
    About two more hours went by an d the heat on the roof was overcoming us. We needed to find shade, so we went down the ladder and sat in the shadow of the building, leaving our sniper rifles on the roof.
    Eddie said, “ I am going to find Robbie. I’ll be back soon. Ron you want to come along?”
    “No thanks Eddy. I‘ll stay here with my Bro.”
    About two hours later w e could hear the Feds coming down the road before we saw them. We scrambled back up the ladder to our positions. A scout motorcycle came zooming down the road and stopped about 600 yards from the tanks. The officer just sat there in the middle of the road looking through his binoculars. He was scouting us out to see what we had. He looked right at us as I was looking at him through my rifle scope. We were spotted. Part of being a good sniper is not being spotted, that is a number one no-no.
    Tommy said, “We need to change our location now that they’ve seen us. If they get closer and fire a 50-cal. machine gun at us we’re toast.”
    I replied, “I agree, but where are we going to go?”
    “Let’s move to the top floor of the condos on the other side of the road. I think we would have just as good a

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