Rider's Kiss

Rider's Kiss by Anne Rainey

Book: Rider's Kiss by Anne Rainey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Rainey
devastated. You don’t understand. They love me, but they love their social status more. The scandal would give Mom a coronary.”
    He thought of Cassie’s parents. They were cold and distant and nothing like his own warm and loving parents. Hell, he’d known Cassie for two years, and not once had he seen her parents hug her. From the moment Rider had met Cassie at a party, he’d recognized her as a sweet, lonely woman in a bad situation. Despite how different they were, they’d somehow become friends. It hadn’t taken long before Rider was helping her by pretending to be her fiancé. Shit, he’d never dreamed it would come back to bite him in the ass.
    “Then you and I will have to have a fake breakup. I’ve kept your secret like you asked, but I won’t let it destroy Victoria.”
    Cassie bit her lip and looked down at the floor. “I never intended for this to happen. I’ve made such a mess of things.”
    “Maybe there’s still a chance to fix it.”
    She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. “Thank you for being such an awesome friend, Rider.” She pulled back. “I know the lying has been a pain. I’m sorry I’ve put you in this position.”
    “Hey, you’re my friend, okay?” He patted her on the back. “Remember that.”
    “Back at ya.” She took a deep breath and said, “Now, let’s go talk to your woman.”
    “Let me call her first.” Rider took the cell phone out of the front pocket of his jeans and dialed her number. When she didn’t answer he left a voice mail. Next he called his sister.
    “What the hell did you do to Victoria?” Reena shouted in lieu of a hello. “She cried all the way home and wouldn’t talk to me about it.”
    “I royally fucked up.” He sighed. “But I’m going to fix it. Don’t worry, sis.”
    “Of course you will, or I’ll beat the crap out of you,” Reena said adamantly. “Call me the minute you get this worked out.”
    “I will.” They hung up, and Rider called Victoria once again. When it went straight to voice mail, he ended the call and texted her instead. By the time he and Cassie were on their way to Victoria’s house, Rider had called Victoria ten times. He’d begged her to talk to him. It was clear the stubborn woman wanted him to drop dead. Could he blame her?
    When Rider pulled into Victoria’s driveway and parked, he turned to Cassie. “Let me do the talking. And I don’t want any theatrics.”
    She frowned. “You wound me.”
    He rolled his eyes and left the car. By the time Victoria opened her front door, he’d sent up a silent prayer that she’d at least let him explain before she clobbered him.
    “I don’t want to talk to you,” she muttered, her arms crossed and fire shooting from her eyes. “And I sure as crap don’t want to talk to her .” She glared at Cassie, clearly willing her to disappear.
    Ah hell, even her voice sounded raw. “Five minutes, that’s all I ask.”
    “Fine, five minutes.” She sighed and pushed open the screen door, stepping back a few paces to allow him and Cassie to enter. Her cheeks were blotchy and her eyes were red. She looked as bad as he felt.
    “I promise it’s not as bad as you’re imagining,” he said, hoping to get through to her.
    “We can explain,” Cassie said, wringing her hands.
    Rider turned to Cassie. “Can you wait here and give us a minute?”
    She forced a smile. “Of course.”
    On the other hand, Victoria didn’t say a word, just stared at him, her expression cold and distant and nothing like the loving woman he’d gotten to know.
    When she moved to sit on the couch, her body cocooned in a heavy brown blanket, Rider took a chance and sat next to her. Christ, he wished like hell he could wrap his arms around her and pull her against him, but she didn’t want anything to do with him. She was pulling away, physically and emotionally.
    “Won’t you at least look at me?” When she sat still and silent, he went on. “Shutting me out won’t make this

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