him this time.
Slade started to read the screen.
Mission: destroy the tribe before they become full again
Two guardians have been sighted; they have the strength and speed without the injections. They know how to avoid being followed and every attempt to kill them has failed. Agent Robertson it is up to you to find them, follow them, learn if others exist. Eliminate the targets. If you achieve this task, you will be promoted to Captain.
“Zach, they said targets, your father, my father, they were fighting the agency. “ Slade saw the words promoted to Captain, and knew it was his old boss that killed his father, but how.
“Yes, but why, and why didn’t they tell us?”
“They didn’t want us to be killed.” Slade studied the files. “Look, update, the day before and day after.”
I have found the two targets; first name is James, last name Wesley, second target, first name Brad, last name Preston. I have seen them attack agents and without hesitation killed them with ease. Our agents are not trained or equipped to deal with such force. Our queen will be held back if these guardians find the secret weapon. Worse if they find the gateway that the queen set up for us to enter the other land. I will kill them tomorrow by poisoning their drinks. Both men take one shot of brandy or whiskey from the bar; I will be the deliverer for I believe they can see through our disguises.
Slade wanted to reach through the screen and grab Captain Robertson’s neck and hold it until her his feet stopped kicking. He was sure Zach felt the same.
I am excited for my new position even though I only was able to get one at the time, the other will take more time, for he didn’t take the shot. I am pretty sure he will be much harder than Mr. Wesley; maybe we can use their sons to finish the job. Mr. Wesley has a son named Rob and we will use him for sure, for he is growing to be the size of giant. I have searched the system and both sons have been trained in a specialized sniper unit. In addition, when I searched the system, the queen must have put his name in the system prior to their enlisting. We will enlist Rob now and will enlist Zach Preston after his father is terminated. They will both work together for us.
In addition: Both sons could be guardians; the queen would like to inject both of them with shots to hide this trait. We will put the special injection with Rob’s new injection and will give injection to Zach Preston with his annual checkups. We have won.
Slade had tears of anger and pain running down his face, Zach was shaking with anger. “They had this set up the whole fucking time, Slade we were nothing but their pawns from the beginning.” Zach slammed his fist on the table.
“Our fathers, they tried to bring them down with just the two of them.”
“I know, but they were hunted down, like we are, they were killed by the Sanctum.” The other visitors at the library stared but no one dared to speak, not with both of them trying to hold it together.
“Let’s find out this guardian thing. Maybe we can find a way; we will get revenge for our fathers.”
A smaller beaten up book of an unknown ancient tribe stood out from the rest. Slade looked at Zach who now was shutting the computer down, and back at the book. “Zach did you grab this book?” he asked not remembering that he grabbed such an older book.
“No, I was on the computer, finding out that the Sanctum was planning on using us like a fiddle.”
“This tribe disappeared and was believed to be the oldest tribe in the world.” Slade said looking at the first page, “I was told about this tribe by my father,” Slade took a gulp of the large lump that was in his throat. “It was the…”
Slade was joined in saying the title by Zach, “Guardians and the protectors of the land.” Slade eyed him for a while and realized it had to be what their fathers
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