Eclipse of the Soul: The Interdimensional Saga, Book 2

Eclipse of the Soul: The Interdimensional Saga, Book 2 by J.L. Hendricks

Book: Eclipse of the Soul: The Interdimensional Saga, Book 2 by J.L. Hendricks Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.L. Hendricks
Chapter One
    Wow! I can’t believe how much my body has
changed in just one month. Last month I was 30 years old and out of work. Today
I look about 19 and my job is to save my people from interdimensional vampires,
as well as the ambivalence of a few fae warriors. What a change…
    “Oomph! Lancer what was that for?” I asked after he hit
me with a punch to my gut. We were sparring, or at least I was trying to spar
with him while he beat me black and blue.
    “B’Lana, you weren’t paying attention, I had to get your
head back to Earth somehow. No pun intended.” Lancer was working on his jokes,
sometimes he was pretty good, but sometimes he just didn’t get it.
    “You won’t be going on missions any time soon if you
don’t start getting serious about your training. You can run faster and longer
than any human, however your fighting skills are still lacking. If a human
attacked you he would be in trouble, but if it was a ripper, you would be dead.”
    “It’s only been a month since I woke up from my
transformation. Give me a break!” He was starting to annoy me with his
intensity. Where was Ash? I bet he wouldn’t be acting this way. I know he
would be much more fun to work out with.
    “Do you want to be able to join a team of fae and help
protect your precious Earth or not? There won’t be any second chances once you
are in the field. Moreover, I highly doubt you will get so lucky next time you
come face to face with a ripper. Just remember that most people don’t survive
an attack. They either die, become hybrid rippers or worse, dinner.” Lancer
said as he took two steps back from me.
    “I know, it’s just all so surreal. I mean I have this
strength and stamina that I never had before. And I think I am starting to
develop other abilities as well, but I can’t be sure.” I thought I might be
able to read minds. Or else I was just spending too much time with Lancer and
Ash. I swear I knew what they were thinking most of the time. It was very
    “Can I go out with you guys on the next recon mission? I
know this area pretty well so I think I could be of some help.” I was going
stir crazy and needed to get out. Since I woke up from the transformation I had
not been allowed outside yet. It was getting quite frustrating.
    “Only if you focus on your training for the next two
days. If you do well then you can go. But it is strictly a recon mission. There
will be no fighting for you.”
    I wasn’t about to mess this up so I focused and worked
very hard on keeping my head in the game.

Two days later
    Tonight was the night that I was supposed to join the
recon team. To say I was excited was an understatement. I bugged Lancer and Ash
all day so much that they thought I had been drinking more than just coffee. I
laughed at that, as I was just excited to be going on my first mission, even if
it was just a recon.
    “Aahhhh fresh air at last! I can’t believe you guys finally
let me out of prison. Can we go eat at Joe’s Taco Shack? I haven’t had any good
tacos since you guys kidnapped me.”
    “Oh come on B’Lana, you know I wasn’t part of the team
who kidnapped you. And didn’t I make a run to a taco place for you just last week?”
Ash was always trying to help me out in small ways. Lancer was convinced Ash
was toying with me. Even if he was, I wasn’t falling for it. But I sure was
enjoying it.
    One of the great things about being a hybrid was that
their fae magnetism didn’t work on me anymore. I was so happy and relieved when
I woke up and realized that I could focus on something besides how hot they
    “How far is Joe’s from here? We can’t leave our assigned
recon area just to satisfy your cravings.” Lancer was always so serious when on
a job.  “And you aren’t a prisoner, so stop talking like that.”
    “Don’t worry, it’s at the edge of our area, I double
checked the map before we left. I think you guys will really like this place

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